Management and services for psychosis in Shandong province in 2021
中文关键词: 严重精神障碍;管理;信息系统
英文关键词: Severe mental disorders;Management;Information system
郑崇泉 山东省精神卫生中心公共卫生部, 济南 250014  
石雷鸣 山东省精神卫生中心公共卫生部, 济南 250014 shileiming0622@163.com 
摘要点击次数: 807
全文下载次数: 1057
      目的 分析2021年山东省严重精神障碍患者管理治疗情况,并与2018—2020年比较相关指标的变化。方法 使用描述性分析方法,对截至2021年12月31日山东省严重精神障碍信息系统使用情况以及患者管理、治疗情况等进行分析。结果 截至2021年底,全省16个市的143个区(市、县)使用信息系统。全省在册患者479673例,报告患病率为4.76‰;患者规范管理率为95.63%;服药率为96.89%;规律服药率为87.77%;面访率为97.94%;体检率为79.64%。2018年至2021年山东省严重精神障碍报告患病率、规范管理率、服药率、规范服药率和面访率均逐年增高。2019年至2021年山东省严重精神障碍体检率逐年升高。结论 2021年山东省严重精神障碍信息系统登记人数持续增长,患者管理、服药、体检水平有所提高,各地市应针对各地精神卫生服务不足之处出台政策,提高患者治疗质量。
      Objective To analyze the management and treatment of patients with severe mental disorders in Shandong province in 2021 and compare the changes of related indicators with those in 2018-2020.Methods Descriptive analysis was used to analyze the system usage, management, and treatment situation of the patients with psychosis, with date before 31st December 2021.Results By the end of 2021, 143 districts (cities and counties) in 16 cities in the province were using the information system.479, 673 patients were registered, and the reported prevalence rate was 4.76‰;the regular management rate of patients was 95.63%;the medication-taking rate was 96.89%;the regular medication-taking rate was 87.77%;the face-to-face visit rate was 97.94%;and the medical examination rate was 79.64%.The reported prevalence rate, regular management rate, medication-taking rate, regular medication-taking rate and face-to-face visit rate in Shandong province were increased year by year from 2018 to 2021.The medical examination rate was increased year by year from 2019 to 2021.Conclusion The number of patients registered in the information system in Shandong province continued to grow in 2021, and the level of patient management, medication-taking and medical examination improved, and local municipalities should introduce policies to address the shortcomings of mental health services in their areas to improve the quality of patient care.
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