KAP status and influencing factors of birth defects among women of childbearing age in Jining city
中文关键词: 出生缺陷;知信行;影响因素;育龄妇女;需求
英文关键词: Birth defect;KAP;Influence factor;Women of childbearing age;Demand
郭立燕 济宁医学院公共卫生学院, 济宁 272013 
宋忠敏 济宁市中医院, 济宁 272037 
仲南 济宁医学院公共卫生学院, 济宁 272013 
刘苗苗 济宁医学院公共卫生学院, 济宁 272013 
崔平 济宁医学院公共卫生学院, 济宁 272013 
翟敏 济宁医学院公共卫生学院, 济宁 272013 
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全文下载次数: 601
      目的 通过调查济宁地区育龄妇女对孕前及孕期相关知识的掌握情况、态度及行为,了解影响该地区出生缺陷发生率的主要因素,为相关部门进行干预提供依据。方法 自行设计调查问卷并于2018年3月-4月抽取在济宁市附属医院产科门诊就诊的422名孕妇或准备怀孕的育龄妇女进行调查。结果 济宁市育龄妇女对于出生缺陷的知识、态度、行为(KAP)认识程度较低,总体平均得分为(63.53±12.807)分。多元线性回归显示年龄、宗教信仰、文化程度、家庭收入、计划妊娠是调查对象得分高低的影响因素。育龄妇女对相关知识的需求率高,尤其是孕前营养准备、孕前环境方面要求需求率最高,分别为95.3%、93.8%。最希望获得相关知识的渠道包含免费宣传资料(61.6%)、医院医生(56.9%)、网络(包括微信微博)(50.2%)。结论 济宁市育龄妇女出生缺陷知识欠缺,对相关知识的需求率高,相关部门可以通过免费宣传手册、医院医生、网络(包括微信微博)进行干预,加强对该地区的出生缺陷知识的健康教育。
      Objective By investigating the knowledge,attitude and behavior of women of childbearing age before and during pregnancy in Jining,understanding the main factors affecting the incidence of birth defects in the city,so as to provide the evidence for relevant sectors to make interventional decisions.Methods A self-designed questionnaire was conducted among 422 pregnant women or women of childbearing age who were going to get pregnant in the obstetric clinic of Jining Affiliated Hospital from March to April 2018.Results The knowledge,attitude and behavior about birth defects of women of childbearing age in Jining City were relatively low,and the overall average score was(63.53±12.807) points (100 points system).Multiple linear regression showed that age,religious belief,education and planned pregnancy were the influencing factors of the scores of the respondents.The investigated women of childbearing age had a high demand rate for relevant knowledge,especially for nutrition and environment before pregnancy,which were 95.3% and 93.8% respectively.The channels they wanted most to obtain relevant knowledge included free publicity materials (61.6%),hospital doctors (56.9%) and Internet (including wechat and microblog) (50.2%).Conclusion Women of childbearing age in Jining are lack of birth defect knowledge and have a high demand for relevant knowledge.Relevant sectors can intervene through free brochures,hospital doctors and the Internet (including wechat and microblog) to strengthen the health education of birth defect knowledge in this area.
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