The impact of newly recruited nurses' career identity on transition shock
中文关键词: 转型冲击;新护士;影响因素;职业认同
英文关键词: Transition shock;New nurses;Influencing factors;Career identity
基金项目:2018年市医学类科技攻关项目(2018AB0013 81);佛山市科技创新项目(医学科技创新平台建设项目)(FS0AA-KJ218-1301-0015);2018年佛山市杰出青年医学人才项目
陈玉梅 佛山市中医院, 佛山 528000  
张改 佛山市中医院, 佛山 528000 863698794@qq.com 
李淑芳 佛山市中医院, 佛山 528000  
康玉闻 佛山市中医院, 佛山 528000  
黎庆卫 佛山市中医院, 佛山 528000  
摘要点击次数: 2309
全文下载次数: 992
      目的 了解广东省新护士转型冲击现状,分析其职业认同水平对转型冲击的影响。方法 采用便利抽样方法选取广东省10家医院的400名新护士,应用新护士转型冲击评价量表、护士职业认同问卷、一般资料调查表进行测评。结果 新护士转型冲击量表得分为(102.03±8.55)分,各维度得分率在 67.75%~87.67%;新护士职业认同总分为(108.79±17.49)分。多元逐步回归分析显示,新护士的籍贯、职业认知评价、职业社会支持为转型冲击的影响因素。结论 新护士转型冲击水平处于中等水平,护理管理者应关注籍贯、职业认同对新护士转型冲击的影响,提高其职业认同,降低其新入职时的转型冲击水平,稳定护理队伍,提高护理质量。
      Objective To understand the current situation of transition shock of newly recruited nurses in Guangdong Province and analyze the influence of new nurses' career identity on transition shock.Methods A convenience sampling method was used to select 400 new nurses from 10 hospitals in Guangdong Province,and the New Nurse Transition Shock Evaluation Scale,Nurse Professional Identity Questionnaire,and General Information Questionnaire were applied to measure the impact.Results The new nurses' transition impact scale score was (102.03±8.55),with the score rate of each dimension ranging from 67.75% to 87.67%;the total score of new nurses' professional identity was (108.79±17.49),which was at a medium level.Multiple stepwise regression analysis showed that new nurses' origin,career identity evaluation,and career social support were the influencing factors of transition shock.Conclusion The level of transition shock of new nurses is at a moderate level,and nursing managers should pay attention to the influence of origin and career identity on transition shock of new nurses.Meanwhile,nursing educators should intervene at the nursing student stage to improve nursing staff's career identity,reduce newly recruited nurses' transition shock,stabilize the nursing team,and improve the quality of nursing.
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