Radiation dose distribution and analysis in debugging room of digital radiography system
中文关键词: 数字化X射线摄影系统;调试机房;辐射水平;辐射剂量分布
英文关键词: Digital Radiography System;Debugging room;Radiation level;Dose distribution
基金项目:科技部科研院所技术开发研究专项(2012EG 150137)
王志超 中国疾病预防控制中心辐射防护与核安全医学所, 北京 100088  
郭文 中国疾病预防控制中心辐射防护与核安全医学所, 北京 100088 guowen@nirp.chinacdc.cn 
丁艳秋 中国疾病预防控制中心辐射防护与核安全医学所, 北京 100088  
郝述霞 中国疾病预防控制中心辐射防护与核安全医学所, 北京 100088  
摘要点击次数: 1431
全文下载次数: 1066
      目的 对数字化X射线摄影系统调试机房外周围剂量当量率及机房内辐射剂量进行检测,掌握调试机房外辐射水平及机房内的剂量分布情况,为做好调试工程师的防护最优化以及为机房的辐射防护设计提供参考。方法 参照《医用X射线诊断放射防护要求》(GBZ130-2013)对机房外辐射水平进行检测,使用热释光剂量计对机房内剂量分布进行检测。结果 该企业数字化X射线摄影系统调试机房外辐射水平和调试工程师的个人剂量监测结果符合国家标准要求,机房内的辐射剂量在距离模体表面100cm位置的剂量值均接近或超过1mSv。结论 加强数字化X射线摄影系统调试机房辐射防护的企业管理和政府监管,进一步优化辐射防护,可有效降低调试工程师受照水平。
      Objective To detect the dose equivalent rate and radiation dose outside and inside the debugging room of digital radiography system, grasp the radiation level outside and inside the debugging room, so as to provide reference for the optimization of debugging engineers' protection and the design of radiation protection in the debugging room.Methods According to national standard (GBZ130-2013), the radiation level around the debugging room of was tested, the distribution of radiation dose in the debugging room was detected by thermoluminescence dosimeter.Results Both the radiation level outside the debugging room of digital radiography system of tested enterprise and the monitoring results of personal dose of debugging engineer met the requirements of national standard.The radiation dose in the debugging room was close to or exceeds 1mSv at a distance of 100cm from the surface of the mold body.Conclusion It is very important to strengthen the enterprise management and government supervision for radiation protection of debugging room of digital radiography system, further optimize radiation protection, so as to effectively reduce the exposure radiation level of commissioning engineers.
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