Investigation on marriage and childbearing concept of nursing undergraduates
中文关键词: 婚育观念;护理;本科生
英文关键词: Marriage and childbearing concept;Nursing;Undergraduates
马俊卿 济宁医学院护理学院, 济宁 272067 
摘要点击次数: 1816
全文下载次数: 748
      目的 探讨在校护理本科生婚育观念状况。方法 以整群抽样方式选取某医学院全日制在校护理学本科学生为研究对象,采用自制问卷进行网络调查。结果 73.33%的男生认为机会合适就会结婚,43.84%的学生能够接受跨国婚姻,理想结婚年龄基本处在社会传统观念范畴内。47.67%的学生生育时会考虑经济条件,92.06%的学生生育孩子的理想个数为1~2个,生育2个孩子的意愿明显大于生育1个孩子的意愿。在养育孩子的最大开支上,居前三位的是教育(73.42%)、生活(13.70%)、住房(8.49%);在生育孩子的主要意义上,居前三位的是完整家庭(40.27%)、快乐生活(23.29%)、感情寄托(13.15%)。在各种生育问题上,丁克人群基本保持在5%的比例,相对稳定。结论 学生结婚积极性需要持续推高,跨国婚姻苗头需要合理指引,对理想结婚对象的关注点需要善意斫正,“全面两孩”政策需要加大传播,生育孩子的主要意义需要宏观规整,丁克现象的存在需要引起注意。
      Objective To understand and analyze the status of marriage and childbearing concept of nursing undergraduates.Methods In a medical college, full-time nursing undergraduates was selected by group sampling method to have a network survey.The self-made questionnaire consisted mainly of general status survey and marriage and quality status survey, including 5 questions on general status and 17 questions on the status of marriage and quality status.Results 73.33% of the male students think that they will get married at the right time, 43.84% of the students can accept transnational marriage.The ideal age of marriage is basically within the scope of social traditional concept.47.67% of the students will consider economic conditions when they decide to have a baby, the vast majority(92.06%) of the students want to have 1-2 children, the willingness to have two children is obviously greater than that to have one child.In terms of the largest expenditure on raising children, the top three are education(73.42%), cost of living(13.70%) and housing(8.49%);in the significance of child-bearing, the top three are complete family(40.27%), happy life(23.29%) and emotional sustenance(13.15%).Among all these issues, the proportion of the DINK remains 5%, relatively stable.Conclusion The enthusiasm of students for marriage needs to be continuously pushed forward.The trend of transnational marriage needs reasonable guidance.The focus on the ideal marriage target needs to be kindly adjusted.The "comprehensive two-child" policy needs to be spread more, and the expenses for raising children need to be supported by the state and local governments.The significance of childbearing needs macro regulation, and the DINK phenomenon needs attention.
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