Analysis on the influence factors of primary teeth caries in Jining city
中文关键词: 乳牙龋;儿童行为习惯;口腔预防保健
英文关键词: Primary tooth caries;Children's behavior habits;Oral preventive health care
赵文青 济宁医学院口腔医学院, 济宁 272013  
程文晓 济宁口腔医院, 济宁 272000 461465308@qq.com 
朱金磊 济宁医学院口腔医学院, 济宁 272013  
单明熹 济宁医学院口腔医学院, 济宁 272013  
高华龙 济宁医学院口腔医学院, 济宁 272013  
摘要点击次数: 1858
全文下载次数: 758
      目的 调查济宁市患龋儿童的日常行为习惯及家长对口腔保健知识的了解情况,分析儿童患乳牙龋的相关危险因素。方法 随机选取济宁市多家三甲及口腔专科医院乳牙龋患者300例作为观察组,同时选取健康儿童300例作为对照组,对两组家长发放调查问卷并对调查结果进行对比研究,通过logistic回归分析其影响因素。结果 297名患乳牙龋儿童家长(99.0%)和292名健康儿童家长(97.3%)完成问卷调查。两组在儿童是否独生子、家长学历及职业、家庭月收入、开始刷牙的时间、每天刷牙的次数、是否使用含氟牙膏、乳牙对恒牙健康影响的认识差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);儿童男女性别、牙刷使用时间、是否爱吃甜食、家长对乳牙龋的态度、获得口腔健康知识的途径差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论 家长学历和职业、每天刷牙的次数、含氟牙膏的使用、家长对乳牙健康的态度是影响济宁地区儿童患龋的主要影响因素,家长需重视儿童口腔卫生习惯,提高口腔健康认识,从根本上预防乳牙龋的发生。
      Objective Investigate the daily behaviors and habits of children with caries in Jining city,as well as parents' understanding of oral health knowledge,and analyze the risk factors of children with primary tooth caries.Methods 300 Children with primary teeth caries were randomly selected from several hospitals in Jining in September 2019,and selecting 300 healthy children as the control group.They were surveyed by questionnaire and analyzed statistically.Results 297 parents of children with deciduous caries(99.0%) and 292 parents of healthy children(97.3%) completed the questionnaire survey.There were significant differences in whether an only child,parents' education and occupation,monthly household income,the first time and the frequency of brushing the teeth,the use of fluoride toothpaste,and the cognition of the effect of deciduous teeth on the permanent teeth between the two groups(P<0.05).There were no significant differences in the gender of children,the frequency of replacing toothbrush and eating sweet food,the parents’ attitude of deciduous caries,the access to oral health knowledge between the two groups(P>0.05).The independent risk factors for caries in children include parents' education and occupation,the frequency of brushing the teeth,the use of fluoride toothpaste,and the cognition of the effect of deciduous teeth on the permanent teeth.Conclusion Parents' education and occupation,the frequency of brushing the teeth,the use of fluoride toothpaste,and the cognition of the effect of deciduous teeth on the permanent teeth,all above are independent risk factors for caries in children.Parents should enhance oral health awareness to promote children's oral health.
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