Analysis on the influence of journals of Journal of Jining Medical University under the goal of first-level discipline construction
中文关键词: 学科建设;栏目规划;期刊影响力
英文关键词: Discipline construction;Column setting;Journal influences
甘慧敏 济宁医学院学报编辑部, 济宁 272067  
林琳 济宁医学院学报编辑部, 济宁 272067  
石俊强 济宁医学院学报编辑部, 济宁 272067 510900338@qq.com 
摘要点击次数: 3020
全文下载次数: 1031
      目的 以一流学科建设为契机,分析《济宁医学院学报》(以下简称《学报》)期刊影响力以及与学科建设的关系,从而使《学报》更好地服务于本高校一流学科建设。方法 利用2016-2018年《中国学术期刊影响因子年报(自然科学与工程技术)》,分析《学报》期刊评价指标的变化情况,进一步分析《学报》不同栏目、不同学科对期刊影响力的影响。结果 1)《学报》的影响力指数、复合总被引频次、复合影响因子、他引总引比、平均引文数、基金论文比、Web即年指标呈良好发展趋势;由于每篇文章篇幅增加,平均引文数的增加,导致载文量减少;2)《学报》栏目设置突出学科特色,以优势学科设置的特色栏目期刊评价指标最高,期刊影响力最强;而以新建学科设置的栏目其期刊影响力偏弱;3)按照总被引频次由高到低进行排序,分析前10种不同学科对本刊期刊影响力的影响,其中有5种学科为我校重点优势学科;按照篇均被引频次排序,期刊影响力最高是中药学,其次是高等医学教育与医学边缘学科等。结论 《学报》通过优化栏目设置打造学科支撑平台,加强了与高校学科紧密结合,实现《学报》期刊影响力提升与学科建设共同发展。
      Objective Taking first-level discipline construction as an opportunity,this paper analyses the relationship between journal influence and discipline construction of Journal of Jining Medical College (hereinafter referred to as Journal),so as to make it serves the first-level discipline construction better.Methods Based on the data in the Annual Report for Chinese Academic Journal Impact Factors(Natural Science) from 2016 to 2018,this paper analyses the changes of the evaluation indexes of the Journal,for the analysis of different columns and disciplines of the influence on Journals.Results 1) The Journal clout index,TC,U-JIF,other total citation ratio,average citation number,Fund ratio and Web index show a good development trend.The increase of average citation number per article leads to a decrease in the amount of papers published.2)The column setting highlights the discipline characteristics,and the analysis shows that the characteristic column setting of dominant disciplines has the highest evaluation index and the strongest influence,while the column setting of new disciplines has the weakest influence.3)According to TC from high to low,the influence of the top 10 different disciplines on the Journal is analyzed,among which five disciplines are the key dominant disciplines in our university.The influence of Journals is highest in traditional Chinese medicine,followed by higher medical education and medical frontier disciplines.Conclusion Through optimizing the column setting,the Journal has built a discipline support platform,strengthened its close integration with disciplines construction,and realized the common development of journal influence and discipline construction.
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