Clinical effect of Yupingfeng granules on assisting treatment of children with refractory mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia
中文关键词: 儿童;难治性肺炎支原体肺炎;玉屏风颗粒
英文关键词: Children;Refractory mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia;Yupingfeng granules
王红连 蓬莱市人民医院, 蓬莱 265600 
吴隆超 蓬莱市人民医院, 蓬莱 265600 
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全文下载次数: 1205
      目的 分析玉屏风颗粒辅助治疗儿童难治性肺炎支原体肺炎的临床疗效。方法 收集2012年1月至2015年12月在我院住院的62例难治性肺炎支原体肺炎患儿,随机分为对照组(32例)和观察组(30例)。对照组予以抗感染、呼吸及营养支持常规治疗;观察组在常规治疗基础上加用玉屏风颗粒口服辅助治疗,疗程均1个月。治疗后比较患儿临床疗效(体温恢复正常时间、咳喘明显缓解时间、胸部X线片明显吸收时间、住院天数),炎症指标(CRP、ESR)恢复正常时间及3月内反复呼吸道感染发生率、再次入院发生率和不良反应。结果 观察组体温恢复正常时间(12.62±5.52)d,咳喘明显减轻时间(13.92±4.65)d,对照组分别为(15.28±4.76)d,(18.16±4.32)d,观察组均短于对照组(t=-2.00,t=-3.66,P<0.05);观察组住院时间(15.52±4.62)d,明显短于对照组(20.84±4.06)d,(t=-4.75,P<0.01);两组患儿胸部X线明显吸收时间比较无差异(t=-1.96,P=0.06)。观察组CRP、ESR恢复正常时间分别为(16.98±5.66)d,(17.06±4.98)d,均短于对照组(20.32±6.32)d,(22.03±5.12)d(t=-2.15,t=-3.8,P<0.05)。观察组3月内反复呼吸道感染率及再次入院发生率均低于对照组(χ2=8.42,χ2=3.85,P<0.05)。服用玉屏风治疗的患儿未出现药物不良反应。结论 在有效的抗感染、呼吸及营养支持等常规治疗基础上,加用玉屏风颗粒是辅助治疗儿童难治性肺炎支原体肺炎的有效措施之一。
      Objective To observe and discuss the clinical efficacy of yupingfeng particle in treatment of children with refractory mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia.Methods A retrospective analysis was used to analyze the treatment of 62 cases with refractory mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia.They were divided into two groups.One was treatment group with 30 cases of patients,and another was control group with 32 cases of patients.The two groups were accepted routine treatments,while the treatment group was given yupingfeng particle additionally for one month.The clinical improvement of both groups was observed.The effect of treatment in following aspects were evaluated:time of body temperature and cough returned to normal,time of chest x ray absorption,and hospitalization day.Recovery times of inflammatory indicators were monitored including CRP and ESR.Meanwhile,those were also observed,including the incidence of recurrent respiratory tract infections,the incidence of re-admission and the clinical adverse effect of the drug.Results There was difference between two groups (t=-2.00,P<0.05).Recovery time of temperature in treatment group was 12.62±5.52 d,while 15.28±4.76 d in control group.There was an obvious difference between two groups (t=-3.66,P<0.01).Recovery time of cough in treatment group was 13.92±4.65d,and 18.16±4.32d in control group.Compared to control group,the recovery time of inflammatory indicators including CRP and ESR were shorter (16.98±5.66d vs.20.32±6.32 d,t=-2.1512,P<0.05;17.06±4.98d vs.22.03±5.12,t=-3.8074,P<0.01).In the treatment group,the hospitalization days was 15.52±4.62 d,which was obvious shorter than that of control group (20.84±4.06d,t=-4.75,P<0.01).In one month,the rates of recurrent respiratory tract infection and re-hospitalization in treatment group was significantly lower than the control group (χ2=8.420,χ2=3.847,P<0.05).But there was no significant difference in both groups of the chest x ray absorption (t=-1.96,P=0.06).No side effect was found in the treatment group.Conclusion Yupingfeng particle can be used as one of effective measurements in assisting treatment of refractory mycoplasma pneumonia pneumonia in children.
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