The prevalence investigation of life care cognition and medical support services capacity of pension institutions in certain city
中文关键词: 养老机构;医养结合;生命关怀;服务能力;现况调查
英文关键词: Pension institutions;Integrating pension service with medical service;Life care;Service capacity;Prevalence survey
刘琥 济宁医学院公共卫生学院, 济宁 272067 
翟敏 济宁医学院公共卫生学院, 济宁 272067 
冯冰 济宁医学院公共卫生学院, 济宁 272067 
李英杰 济宁医学院公共卫生学院, 济宁 272067 
帅爱迪 济宁医学院公共卫生学院, 济宁 272067 
王德泉 济宁市生命关怀协会, 济宁 272000 
摘要点击次数: 5913
全文下载次数: 1238
      目的 了解养老机构工作人员对生命关怀认知情况及养老机构医养结合服务能力现况、存在问题,为探索医疗服务与养老服务资源整合,加强老年医疗服务体系建设提供参考依据。方法 采用访谈与现况调查方法,选择某市3所民营和1所公办养老机构的86名工作人员进行生命关怀认知问卷调查,对4名机构管理者进行访谈,结合民政部门网站信息,综合分析养老机构医养结合服务能力。结果 4所养老机构工作人员平均年龄为 (42.8±12.1)岁,其中公办(30.33 ±6.45)岁,民营(49.50±8.60)岁。养老机构工作人员中受教育程度高中及以上的占47.7%,其中公、民办分别为96.2%、26.7%;有职业资格证的分别为96.2%、35.0%,两类养老机构工作人员年龄、文化程度和职业资格证差异有统计学意义(t年龄=10.688, χ2文化程度=5.956, χ2职业资格证=27.268,P < 0.05)。4所养老机构均配有医护人员,学历以大、中专为主,公办、民营工作人员对生命关怀认知得分分别为(41.90± 5.12)、( 50.01 ±8.37)(t=4.841,P=0.000),对生命关怀实施情况的评价差异有统计学意义(χ2=20.271,P=0.000)。结论 养老机构工作人员平均年龄偏大,学历低,医疗专业技术人员严重短缺,工作人员对生命关怀认识不足,总体医养结合服务能力差。
      Objective To explore the life care cognition and medical support services capacity of pension institutions as well as the existing problems from the staff,and provide the basis of exploring the resource integration of medical service with pension service and reinforcing the medical service system for the elderly.Methods Qualitative interviews and prevalence survey were used in this study.86 staff from 3 private pension institutions in normal operation and 1 public pension institution of certain city were chosen to accomplish the Life Care Cognition Questionnaire.And 4 managers were chosen for the interviews.With the data collected from civil administration department,the medical support services capacity of pension institutions was analyzed synthetically.Results The average age of the staff from 4 pension institutions were (42.8±12.1) years old.The public pension institution staff was (30.33±6.45) years old.The private institutions staff was (49.50±8.60) years old.Staff with high school degree or above accounted for 47.7% (96.2% in public pension institution and 26.7% in private pension institutions).Staff with vocational qualifications accounted for 96.2% and 35.0% in public and private pension institutions,respectively.The differences of age,culture level and vocational qualifications in public and private pension institutions had statistical significance (t age = 10.688, χ2level of education=5.956, χ2vocational qualifications=27.268,P < 0.05).Medical personnel were equipped in all of the 4 pension institutions with lower education level and older age.The life care cognition scores of public and private pension institutions staff were (41.90±5.12),and (50.01±8.37) (t=4.841,P=0.000),respectively.The evaluation of life care implementation was statistically significant (χ2=20.271,P=0.000).Conclusion Staff of pension institutions had lower education level and older average age.Professional medical personnel of pension institutions were in critical shortage.The life care cognition of staff was insufficient.And the general medical support services capacity was poor.
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