An anatomical study of neurovascular foramina of the human clavicle and their clinical significance
中文关键词: 锁骨|滋养孔|手术
英文关键词: Clavicle|Neurovascular Foramina|Anatomy|Surgery
李京 济宁医学院基础学院, 山东济宁 272067
济宁医学院临床学院, 济宁 272000 
张庆伟 济宁医学院基础学院, 山东济宁 272067
济宁医学院临床学院, 济宁 272000 
摘要点击次数: 5494
全文下载次数: 1250
      目的 观察人锁骨滋养孔的形态学特征,进一步丰富与锁骨相关的解剖学知识,为锁骨骨折、骨移植等治疗提供解剖学依据。方法 观察215例(左侧114例,右侧101例)锁骨滋养孔的数量及分布;采用游标卡尺测量滋养孔中心与锁骨胸骨端的距离;根据Hughes公式计算滋养孔指数。结果 具有滋养孔的锁骨共210例:1)含1个孔120例,2个孔64例,3个孔20例,4个孔6例;2)滋养孔位于锁骨中1/3段272例,内侧1/3段23例,外侧1/3段39例;3)滋养孔位于锁骨上面8例,下面108例,前缘7例,后缘211例;4)滋养孔距锁骨胸骨端平均64.3 mm,平均滋养孔指数44.6。结论 锁骨滋养孔多位于锁骨的后缘和下面,锁骨中1/3段;孔的方向自锁骨端至肩峰端;锁骨血供来自滋养孔动脉和骨膜血管网。掌握滋养孔的数量、位置对于手术时保护锁骨的血供具有重要意义。
      Objective To study the topographic anatomy and morphology of neurovascular foramina of the human adult clavicles.Methods In the present study 215 dry human clavicles was performed.The clavicles were macroscopically observed for the number,location and direction of the nutrient foramina.The foraminal index was calculated for each clavicle by applying the Hughes formula.Results The neurovascular foramen was observed in 210 (97.6%) clavicles.The foramen was single in 120 (57.1%) clavicles,double in 64cases (30.4%),and there were more than 2 foramina in 26 clavicles (12.5%).The foramen was present at the middle 1/3 region in 82% of clavicles,at the medial 1/3 region in 7% and at the lateral 1/3 part in 11.7% of clavicles.It was on the inferior surface in 32.3% of clavicles,on the posterior surface in 63.2%,on the anterior surface in 2% and at the superior surface in only 2.4% of clavicles.The average distance of the foramen from the sternal end was 64.3 mm and the mean foraminal index was 44.6.Conclusion The foramina were more common on the posterior surface which were often multiple,directed toward the acromial end.Knowledge of the localization of nutrient foramina can be useful in certain surgical procedures to preserve blood supply.The data obtained from the present study would be of interest to clinicians who are involved in procedures such as bone grafting,surgical approach for internal fixation and coracoclavicular ligament repair.
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