Study on passive smoking and cognition of tobacco harm among urban students in primary schools in Jining
中文关键词: 小学生;被动吸烟;尝试吸烟;烟草危害认知
英文关键词: Primary school students;Passive smoking;Smoking attempt;Tobacco harm knowledge
刘文奕 济宁医学院公共卫生学院预防医学专业2010级学生, 山东济宁 272067  
陈一秋 济宁医学院公共卫生学院预防医学专业2010级学生, 山东济宁 272067  
宋爱芹 济宁医学院公共卫生学院, 山东济宁 272067 songaiqin6556@sina.com 
曲相艳 济宁医学院团委, 山东济宁 272067  
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      目的 了解济宁市城区小学生被动吸烟现状、对烟草危害的认知情况及影响因素。方法 采用分层整群抽样方法,抽取济宁市城区小学5所,教育培训机构4个,共向1355名三至五年级小学生发放问卷,有效应答率为90.55%。结果 济宁市城区小学生被动吸烟率为66.91%,尝试吸烟率为9.16%。五年级小学生对家人和同伴吸烟持否定态度的比例低于三、四年级(χ2分别为6.427、9.44,P分别为0.04、0.009)。老师及学校控烟情况在不同年级间差异有统计学意义(χ2分别为17.579、24.557.P<0.001),五年级小学生课堂讲授吸烟危害健康相关知识比例较高。logistic回归分析结果为:帮家人买烟是影响小学生对被动吸烟危害健康认知的危险因素,OR=2.416,95% CI(1.356~4.304),听说过被动吸烟、老师曾讲解吸烟危害健康、学校设有烟草危害的宣传教育栏、学校有禁止吸烟的标志或警示性标语是小学生对被动吸烟有害健康认知的保护因素。结论 济宁市城区小学生被动吸烟率和尝试吸烟率均较高,提高家庭成员的控烟意识,加强校园控烟教育,建设无烟校园,是减少小学生被动吸烟危害的有效措施。
      Objective To investigate the current situation of passive smoking,the cognition of tobacco harm and its influencing factors of urban students in primary schools in Jining.Methods Stratified cluster random sampling methods were used and questionnaires were send to 1355 pupils of 3 to 5 grades in four education institutions and five primary schools,with the effective response rates 90.55%.Results The passive smoking rate of the primary school students was 66.91%,while the smoking attempt rate 9.16%.The proportion of the fifth grade students who took the negative attitudes towards families and peers smoking was lower than that of the third and forth grades students(with χ2 6.427 and 9.44 respectively,P 0.04 and 0.009 respectively).There were significant differences of tobacco control by teachers and schools among different grades (χ2 17.579 and 24.557 respectively and P<0.001).The proportion of instruction about the harm of tobacco was higher in fifth grades.It was a risk factor of helping families buy cigarettes which could disturb primary students to get the knowledge on the harm of passive smoking (OR=2.416,OR 95% CI:1.356~4.304).The protective factors include knowing passive smoking,propaganda about the harm of smoking from teacher,announcement boards about tobacco harm,and the slogans of no-smoking in schools.Conclusion The rates of primary school students' smoking and passive smoking were serious.Useful measures should include improving the awareness of tobacco control of family members,enhancing the anti-smoking education in schools and building smoke-free schools.
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