Estimation on seasonal dietary folate intakes of some adult residents from urban and rural communities in Jining city,China
中文关键词: 叶酸;摄入量;膳食调查;季节;成人
英文关键词: Folate;Dietary intake;Season;Adult
佘远红 1. 南京医科大学公共卫生学院儿少卫生与妇幼保健学系, 江苏南京 211166

2. 济宁市市中区疾病预防控制中心, 山东济宁 272135 
苏冬 1. 南京医科大学公共卫生学院儿少卫生与妇幼保健学系, 江苏南京 211166

2. 济宁市市中区疾病预防控制中心, 山东济宁 272135 
姜婷婷 1. 南京医科大学公共卫生学院儿少卫生与妇幼保健学系, 江苏南京 211166

2. 济宁市市中区疾病预防控制中心, 山东济宁 272135 
汪之顼 1. 南京医科大学公共卫生学院儿少卫生与妇幼保健学系, 江苏南京 211166

2. 济宁市市中区疾病预防控制中心, 山东济宁 272135 
摘要点击次数: 5232
全文下载次数: 1031
      目的 估算并分析济宁市城乡部分成人不同季节的膳食叶酸摄入量。方法 利用2005至2006年山东济宁市城乡部分成人膳食类胡萝卜素研究的膳食资料,结合美国农业部国家营养成分参考标准第25版中叶酸的成分数据,计算部分成人的膳食叶酸摄入量。结果 农村社区居民膳食叶酸摄入量(275.16±159.08)μg/d分别低于中心社区(P<0.01)和周边社区(P<0.05);城市中心社区(361.28±159.54)μg/d和周边社区(323.58±176.50)μg/d无统计学差异(P>0.05)。3个社区膳食叶酸摄入量满足中国成人叶酸推荐摄入量的人数比例不同(P<0.01),中心社区(36.5%)最高,农村社区(17.2%)最低。中心社区膳食叶酸摄入量的季节波动很小(P>0.05);而周边社区和农村社区的季节波动均相对较大(P<0.01)。3个社区在春季的摄入量均相对较高;而周边社区冬季的摄入量和农村社区夏季的摄入量均相对偏低。结论 济宁市成人居民的膳食叶酸摄入情况不容乐观。
      Objective This work was aimed to estimate seasonal dietary folate intakes of some adult residents from different communities in a northern China city. Methods Dietary folate intakes were calculated using the dietary data obtained from a survey carried out among some adult residents during 2005-2006 in the city, with USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference as the reference of food composition database. Results Daily dietai fdate intake of adults from the rural community (275.16±159.08g/d) was the lowest in the three (P<0.01), while there was no significant difference between the central (361.28±159.54g/d) and the out-skirt (323.58±176.50g/d) (P>0.05). The percentage of subjects, who had dietary folate intake reaching the recommended nutrient intake (RNI) of folate for Chinese adults by Chinese NutrLtion Soety, varied significantly among communities, with the central (36.51) the highest (P<0.01) and the rural (17.21) the lowest. Folate intakes of residents from the central community changed little (P>0.05) by season, while for the residents from the outskirt and the rural folate intakes changed obviously by season (P<0.01). Comparatively, folate intake of each community in spring was higher, but much lower in winter for the outskirt and in summer for the rural resi -dents. Conclusion The adult residents investigated had poor folate intake, which should be improved through detailed dietary guidance or intervention, espeally the folate intakes of residents from the outskirt and the rural.
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