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  济宁医学院学报  2017, Vol. 40 Issue (5): 361-365  DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-9760.2017.05.012

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李则宣. 抑郁症的表观遗传学机制:涉及认知灵活性的证据[J]. 济宁医学院学报, 2017, 40(5): 361-365. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-9760.2017.05.012.
LI Zexuan. Mechanism of epigenetics in depression:evidence for involvement of cognitive flexibility[J]. Journal Of Jining Medical University, 2017, 40(5): 361-365. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-9760.2017.05.012.




中南大学湘雅二医院精神卫生研究所; 国家精神心理疾病临床研究中心(长沙), 长沙 410011
摘要: 抑郁症是全球高负担疾病,严重影响人们的职业功能、生活质量和幸福感。遗传和环境在抑郁症的易感中共同发挥作用,这可能是通过表观遗传学机制(如DNA甲基化)而最终影响基因表达来介导的。一方面,应激作为普遍而显著的环境因素可引起多种基因的甲基化改变而导致抑郁症,另一方面,神经心理学认知研究的证据支持认知异常尤其是认知灵活性异常在抑郁症病理机制中的核心作用。目前神经生物学研究也支持抑郁症表观遗传学机制涉及认知灵活性的调节异常,但缺乏直接而具体的证据。对此进行研究将进一步促进抑郁症的理解、诊断和治疗。
关键词: 抑郁症    表观遗传学    应激    认知灵活性    
Mechanism of epigenetics in depression:evidence for involvement of cognitive flexibility
LI Zexuan    
Mental Health Institute of the Second Xiangya Hospital, Central South University; National Clinical Research Center on Mental Disorders(Changsha), Changsha 410011, China
Abstract: As one most common mental disorder with high prevalence rate, depression accounts for an increasingly substantial proportion of the global burden of disease and has a devastating impact on occupational functioning, quality of life and well-being.In general, it is well admitted that genetic and environmental factors together play an important role in the vulnerability to depression.However, current data has showed that no specific gene(s) is/are responsible for depression.For the time being, the genes found for leading to MDD can not be well repeated at all.One reason for this may be that there exists great heterogeneity in the mechanisms underlying depression.On the other hand, another explanation for this in the context of gene-environment interaction is that depression may be more mediated by epigenetic mechanism(e.g., methylation of DNA) that can eventually influence gene expression.It has be well suggested that stresses as common and significant environmental factors enable depression by recruiting abnormal methylation of many DNAs such as that of brain derived neurotrophic factor(BDNF), 5-hydroxytryptamine transporter(5-HTT)and glucocorticoid receptor(GR)that are also associated with cognitive flexibility.One latest development in neurocognitive science including epigenetics shows that Rac1, a small G protein of Rho family GTPase, plays an important role in cognitive flexibility and that its expression is reduced in the nucleus accumbens(NAc, an area related to reward in brain) of stress-induced depressed animals and deceased patients with major depressive disorder.Overall, in view of the body of evidence from neuropsychological studies supporting that cognitive abnormality, esp.the impairment of cognitive flexibility, exert a central role in the episode, maintenance and treatment of depression, the epigenetic mechanism of depression may involve the abnormality of cognitive flexibility as psychological dimension.However, there is lack of special and direct research related to this area.So, in the future study one can hypothesize that abnormally increased hyper-methylation and reduced mRNA expression of Rac1gene in addition to abnormal methylation and mRNA expression of BDNF gene, 5-HTT gene, GR gene and so on relating to abnormal cognitive flexibility in depression which may be considered as certain psychobiological marker(s).Conduction of this kind of research would further contribute to understanding of mechanisms and insight to the diagnosis and therapy for depression.
Key words: Depression    Epigenetics    Stress    Cognitive flexibility    


1 抑郁症的表观遗传学机制:基因-环境相互作用的生物学基础



2 抑郁症的认知灵活性机制:基因-环境相互作用(表观遗传学)的可能心理学环节

有证据提示:在抑郁症中,介导遗传与环境(特别是应激性事件)共同作用的表观遗传学机制可能涉及认知功能这一心理学环节。一方面,基于认知理论的研究强调了负性认知在抑郁症病因及其维持中的作用,如注意和解释的选择性偏好促进负性情绪而成为心境障碍发生的心理学基础[7];其中,除了认知的负性内容在抑郁症易感性中可能起着重要作用外, 近来的解释模型研究同时强调了认知控制损害在抑郁症情绪调节中的重要因果作用[8],而个体间认知控制方面的差异与思维反刍风格(即反复、被动且无助于问题解决地思索不良的事件)可能有关而参与抑郁症的病理机制,例如悲伤时倾向于思维反刍的个体较非思维反刍者可能会经历更长、更严重和更多次的临床抑郁发作[9]。因此,目前有观点认为,认知功能障碍/缺陷在抑郁症的发生、维持和治疗中起着重要的作用,甚至是其候选神经认知内表型[10]。另一方面,关于应激生活事件与抑郁症状之间的关联,有研究提示应激生活事件与抑郁症具有显著的因果关系[11]。而且,应激损害动物和人类个体的认知功能,包括早年应激对成年个体以及近期应激对个体认知能力的损害,而认知功能不良也会加重或参与应激相关负性情绪和行为反应的易感性[12],以至于遭受童年期精神创伤的个体即使拥有更有利于脑源性营养因子(brain-derived neurotrophic factor,BDNF)表达的基因多态性(保护性因素),但如果在应付应激方面存在着不良认知,他(她)们仍然会在成年期出现更为严重的抑郁症状[13]。这两方面的数据提示认知功能异常参与遗传-应激相互作用(表观遗传学)的机制而介导抑郁症的发生和维持;与此相一致,近来的一项荟萃分析表明,执行功能障碍更有可能是抑郁症的特质性标志[14]


3 抑郁症的表观遗传学机制:涉及认知灵活性的神经生物学证据

近年来的神经生物学包括遗传学方面的研究也支持认知功能特别是认知灵活性异常可能是抑郁症基因与环境相互作用即表观遗传学机制中的重要环节。从脑结构与功能连接来说,抑郁症涉及前额叶皮质及眶额皮质的异常[20-21],而这些脑区都与认知功能包括认知灵活性有密切的关系[22]。从目前抗抑郁剂治疗来说,其药物机制主要是通过阻滞5-HT、NE和DA的回吸收来增加中枢神经系统(CNS)中这些神经递质的突触间隙水平来达到治疗的作用,这些递质系统在认知灵活性中发挥着重要的作用,而与之代谢、合成有关的基因多态性(影响这些递质在CNS中的表达水平)也相应地调节认知灵活性[15]。就抑郁症表观遗传学研究进展来说,临床和动物学研究表明应激通过表观遗传学特别是基因的甲基化修饰来影响一些基因的表达如BDNF和糖皮质激素受体(glucocorticoid receptor,GR)的表达下降、5-HT转运体(serotonin transporter,5-HTT)的表达增加而参与抑郁的发生,并且抗抑郁剂也通过改变表观遗传学的基因甲基化修饰而起到治疗作用[23-24];同时,这些靶分子也都参与认知灵活性的损害,包括注意的情境转换以及反转或概率反转学习的损害等[15, 25-26]


4 小结与展望


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