Study on medication rules of Chinese patent medicine for children with upper respiratory tract infection based on data mining
中文关键词: 儿童;中成药;上呼吸道感染;用药规律;数据挖掘;合理用药
英文关键词: Children;Chinese patent medicine;Upper respiratory tract infection;Medication rule;Data mining;Rational drug use
胡珊珊 济宁医学院医学信息工程学院, 日照 276826 
厉玉鹏 日照市人民医院儿科, 日照 276826 
摘要点击次数: 223
全文下载次数: 176
      目的 探讨儿童上呼吸道感染口服中成药的用药规律,为临床合理使用中成药提供科学依据,保障儿童用药安全。方法 抽取2022年1—12月儿科门诊上呼吸道感染患儿中成药处方3600张,对其中的用药数据进行数据挖掘,统计中成药使用情况、应用合理性以及不合理原因等。结果 3600张中成药处方中,共包含口服中成药15种,单张处方中人均使用中成药1.238种;用药频次排名前3位的中成药分别为柴银颗粒、蓝芩口服液和连花清瘟胶囊,药品类别前3位的是清热剂、解表剂和祛痰止咳平喘剂,剂型以颗粒剂和口服液为主;联合用药方面,柴银颗粒和阿莫西林克拉维酸钾分散片的两种药物组合应用最广泛,而布洛芬片和柴银颗粒两种药物的关联强度最大。不合理处方52张,不合理率为1.44%,主要涉及适应证不适宜、剂量或疗程不准、联合用药不适宜、重复用药等。结论 中成药在儿科应用广泛,临床应用情况基本合理。中药治疗上呼吸道感染注重标本兼治,独具优势,减少了西药抗生素的应用,保障了儿童的健康成长。
      Objective To explore the medication rules of oral Chinese patent medicine for children with upper respiratory tract infection,so as to provide scientific basis for clinical rational use of Chinese patent medicine and ensure the safety of drug use in children. Methods Totally 3600 prescriptions of Chinese patent medicine for children with upper respiratory tract infection in outpatient department of pediatrics were extracted from Jan.to Dec.2022.Data mining was conducted on the medication data,and the use of Chinese patent medicine,rationality of application and unreasonable reasons were counted and analyzed. Results Among 3600 prescriptions of Chinese patent medicin,15 Chinese patent medicines were used,and 1.238 kinds of Chinese patent medicine were used per capita;The top three Chinese patent medicines in terms of drug use frequency were Chaiyin Granules,Lanqin Oral Liquid and Lianhua Qingwen Capsules,and the top three drug categories were heat-clearing prescriptions,exterior-relieving prescriptions and expectorant cough relieving and asthma relieving prescriptions,with the main dosage forms being granules and oral liquids;In terms of combined medication,the two combination drugs of Chaiyin Granules and Amoxicillin and Clavulanate Potassium Dispersible Tablets were the most widely used,and the strongest association rule was found between Ibuprofen Tablets and Chaiyin Granules;There were 52 pieces of irrational prescriptions,with an irrational rate of 1.44%,mainly involving inappropriate indications,inaccurate dosage or course of treatment, inappropriate combination therapy,and repeated use of drugs. Conclusion Chinese patent medicine was widely used in pediatrics,and its clinical application was basically reasonable.Chinese medicine focused on treating both manifestation and root cause of upper respiratory tract infection,and with unique advantages,it reduced the use of Western antibiotics and ensured the healthy growth of children.
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