Effect of reminiscence therapy on anxiety,depression and quality of life in patients with thyroid cancer after thermal ablation
中文关键词: 回忆疗法;焦虑抑郁情绪;生活质量
英文关键词: Reminiscence therapy;Anxiety and depression;Quality of life
基金项目:山东省医务职工 科技创新计划项目(联合立项)(SDYWZGKCJHLH2023074)
魏岩 济宁市第一人民医院护理部, 济宁 272000  
庞慧 济宁市第一人民医院超声医学科, 济宁 272000 panghui615@126.com 
摘要点击次数: 197
全文下载次数: 161
      目的 探索回忆疗法对甲状腺癌热消融术后患者焦虑抑郁情绪、生活质量的影响。方法 采取便利抽样的方式选取2021年7月—2022年7月山东省济宁市第一人民医超声医学科收治的100例行超声引导甲状腺微小乳头状癌热消融术后的患者,随机分为对照组和试验组(各50例),对照组实施常规护理,试验组在实施常规护理的基础上联合回忆疗法。分别对两组患者术后即刻、术后回忆疗法治疗6周后,进行焦虑自评量表、汉密尔抑郁量表、生活质量问卷量表评分。结果 干预后,试验组SAS评分(47.84±3.30)分,低于对照组(56.72±3.14)分;HAMD评分(10.00±2.36)分,低于对照组(20.70±2.65)分;生活问卷量表评分躯体(75.42±2.21)分,高于对照组(61.52±2.01)分;角色评分(74.40±2.29)分,高于对照组(59.60±3.16)分;认知评分(78.68±3.62)分,高于对照组(61.46±3.62)分;情绪评分(91.22±2.99)分,高于对照组(80.84±4.41)分;社会评分(75.94±3.56)分,高于对照组(64.26±2.90)分;总体评分(75.94±3.56)分,高于对照组(64.26±2.90)分,两组相比较具有统计学意义(P<0.001)。结论 基于回忆疗法对患者情绪与生活质量的干预具有积极向上的效果,契合当下癌症患者的心理需求,能够有效地降低其焦虑与抑郁情绪,提高其生活质量,增加其幸福感。
      Objective To explore the effects of reminiscence therapy on anxiety,depression and quality of life in patients with thyroid cancer after thermal ablation.MethodA total of 100 patients undergoing ultrasound-guided thermal ablation for thyroid micropapillary carcinoma admitted to the ultrasonic medicine Department of Jining First People's Hospital from July 2021 to July 2022 were selected by convenience sampling method.They were randomly divided into control group and experimental group (50 cases each).The control group received routine nursing.The experimental group added reminiscence therapy on the basis of routine care.The scores of the self-rating Anxiety scale,Hammel Depression Scale and Quality of Life questionnaire were performed immediately after the completion of ultrasound-guided thermal ablation and six weeks after the recall therapy. Results After intervention,SAS score of experimental group 47.84±3.30 was lower than that of control group 56.72±3.14.HAMD score was 10.00±2.36,which was lower than that of control group 20.70±2.65.The score of life questionnaire 75.42±2.21 was higher than that of control group 61.52±2.01.The role score was 74.40±2.29,which was higher than that of the control group 59.60±3.16.The cognitive score 78.68±3.62 was higher than that of the control group 61.46±3.62.The emotional score 91.22±2.99 was higher than that of the control group 80.84±4.41.The social score 75.94±3.56 was higher than that of the control group 64.26±2.90.The overall score 75.94±3.56 was higher than that of the control group 64.26±2.90,which was statistically significant between the two groups (P<0.001). Conclusion The intervention based on reminiscence therapy has positive effects on patients' mood and quality of life.It conforms to the psychological needs of current cancer patients,and can effectively reduce their anxiety and depression,improve their quality of life,and increase their happiness.
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