Classroom teaching practice of medical cell biology based on brain science
中文关键词: 脑科学;高等教育;医学细胞生物学
英文关键词: Brain science;Higher education;Medical cell biology
季丙元 济宁医学院精准医学研究院, 济宁 272000 
李文福 济宁医学院精神卫生学院, 济宁 272000 
刘燕 济宁医学院精神卫生学院, 济宁 272000 
王春梅 济宁医学院精神卫生学院, 济宁 272000 
潘衍有 济宁医学院科研处, 济宁 272000 
摘要点击次数: 806
全文下载次数: 478
      目的 探讨基于脑科学的课堂教学策略对医学细胞生物学课程教学效果的影响。方法 选取我校2021级临床医学本科学生,随机抽取两个合堂班(随机抽取8个班,每4个班编为一个合堂班,每个合堂班160人)分成对照班和试验班,在医学细胞生物学课堂教学中分别运用传统教学法和基于脑科学的教学策略进行课堂讲授。通过课堂测试、实验测试、期末测试等检测学生的学习效果。以发放调查问卷的形式,研究学生在教材内容掌握、教学互动和解决问题的能力等方面的满意度。结果 试验班平时成绩实验成绩和期末成绩明显好于对照班(t=5.77,P<0.001;t=2.72,P=0.008;t=8.38,P<0.001)。基于脑科学的课堂教学设计在“善于运用思维导图、框架图等进行知识讲授”、“对学生的回答给予正面的、及时的评价”等11个方面均明显优于对照班(P<0.05)。结论 基于脑科学的课堂教学策略教学效果良好,学生满意度高,可进行推广。
      Objective To explore the influence of brain science-based classroom teaching strategies on the teaching effect of "Medical Cell Biology" course.Methods Two combined classes (8 classes were randomly selected,and each 4 classes was divided into a combined class,160 students in each combined class) were randomly selected and divided into control classe and experimental classe.In the classroom teaching of "Medical Cell Biology",the traditional teaching method and the teaching strategy based on brain science were used to teach in the classroom.The learning effect of the students was tested by classroom testing,experimental scores,final tests,etc.In the form of questionnaires,the students' satisfaction with the content mastery,teaching interaction and problem-solving ability of the textbook was studied.Results Comparing the students' scores on the usual test and final test of "Medical Cell Biology" under different teaching modes,the experimental class was significantly better than the control class (t=5.77,P<0.001;t=2.72,P=0.008;t=8.38,P<0.001).The classroom teaching design based on brain science is obviously better than the control class in 11 aspects,such as "being good at using mind map and frame diagram to teach knowledge" and "giving positive and timely evaluation to students' answers" (P<0.05).Conclusion The classroom teaching strategy based on brain science has a good teaching effect and high student satisfaction,which can be popularized.
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