刘茹,徐姝娟,吴俊,王亚,张梦娟.家庭功能对结直肠癌肠造口患者生活质量的影响:心理弹性的中介作用[J].济宁医学院学报,2024,47(2):105-110 |
家庭功能对结直肠癌肠造口患者生活质量的影响:心理弹性的中介作用 |
Effect of family function on quality of life in colorectal cancer patients with enterostomy: mediating role of mental resilience |
投稿时间:2023-06-28 |
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-9760.2024.02.006 |
中文关键词: 结直肠癌;肠造口;家庭功能;生活质量;心理弹性 |
英文关键词: Colorectal cancer;Enterostomy;Family function;Quality of life;Mental resilience |
基金项目:安徽省教育厅2019年高等学校省级质量工程项目(2019jyxm1061) |
作者 | 单位 | E-mail | 刘茹 | 皖南医学院研究生学院, 芜湖 241000 | | 徐姝娟 | 皖南医学院弋矶山医院护理部, 芜湖 241000 | 258548291@qq.com | 吴俊 | 皖南医学院弋矶山医院胃肠外科, 芜湖 241000 | | 王亚 | 皖南医学院弋矶山医院肝胆外科, 芜湖 241000 | | 张梦娟 | 皖南医学院研究生学院, 芜湖 241000 | |
摘要点击次数: 740 |
全文下载次数: 491 |
中文摘要: |
目的 探究结直肠癌肠造口患者家庭功能、心理弹性、生活质量之间的关系,为提高肠造口患者的生活质量,科学护理结肠造口患者提供理论依据。方法 本研究使用便利抽样的方法,选取2022年4月至2023年5月在安徽省芜湖市弋矶山医院就诊且符合纳入标准的264名结直肠癌肠造口患者作为研究对象,调研工具包括一般情况调查表、家庭关怀度指数问卷(Family APGAR index,APGAR)、Connor-Davidson弹性量表简化版(CD-RISC-10)、造口患者生活质量量表(stoma quality of life,stoma-QOL)。结果 男性肠造口患者家庭功能总分高于女性。从事脑力劳动者(职员、公务员、事业单位)、退(离)休的肠造口患者在家庭功能、生活质量及心理弹性总分均高于从事自由职业、农民或工人及无业者。临时造口患者家庭功能、生活质量、心理弹性总分均高于永久性肠造口患者。对造口知识非常了解、了解的肠造口患者家庭功能、生活质量、心理弹性总分均高于部分了解、完全不了解的患者。家庭功能总分与心理弹性总分(r=0.52)、生活质量总分(r=0.45)均呈正相关;心理弹性总分与生活质量总分(r=0.40)呈正相关。中介效应检验结果显示,心理弹性在家庭功能与结直肠癌肠造口患者生活质量中介作用显著,中介效应占总效应的比例为26.13 %。结论 心理弹性在家庭功能与结直肠癌肠造口患者生活质量之间发挥部分中介作用,不同程度的家庭功能损害直接或间接影响结直肠癌肠造口患者的生活质量。 |
英文摘要: |
Objective To explore the relationship between family function,mental resilience and quality of life of colorectal cancer patients with enterostomy,and provide theoretical basis for improving the quality of life of enterostomy patients and scientific nursing of colostomy patients.Methods A total of 264 colorectal cancer enterostomy patients who met the inclusion criteria and were admitted to Yijishan Hospital in Wuhu City,Anhui Province from April 2022 to May 2023 were selected as subjects by convenience sampling.The research tools included:General situation questionnaire,Family care index questionnaire (Family APGAR index,APGAR) is a simplified version,Connor-Davidson elastic scale (CD-RISC-10),colostomy patients quality of life scale (stoma quality of life,stoma-QOL).Results The total score of family function in male enterostomy patients was significantly higher than that in female patients.The scores of family function,quality of life and mental resilience of enterostomy patients engaged in mental workers (staff,civil servants,public institutions) and retired were significantly higher than those engaged in freelance work,farmers or workers and unemployed.Total score of family function,quality of life and mental resilience of temporary stomy patients were significantly higher than those of permanent enterostomy patients.The total score of family function,quality of life and mental resilience of enterostomy patients with good knowledge of stomostomy were significantly higher than those with partial knowledge or no knowledge at all.The total score of family function was positively correlated with the total score of mental resilience (r=0.52) and the total score of quality of life (r=0.45).The total score of mental resilience was positively correlated with the total score of quality of life (r=0.40).The results of mediation effect test showed that psychological resilience had a significant mediating effect on family function and quality of life in colorectal cancer patients with enterostomy,and the mediating effect accounted for 26.13 % of the total effect.Conclusion Psychological resilience plays a mediating role between family function and quality of life of colorectal cancer patients with enterostomy.Different degree of family function impairment directly or indirectly affects the quality of life of colorectal cancer patients with enterostomy. |
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