Relationship among parent-child attachment, self-esteem and violent attitude in college students
投稿时间:2024-01-09  修订日期:2024-04-01
中文关键词: 亲子依恋;自尊;暴力态度;大学生
英文关键词: Parent-child attachment; Self-esteem; Violent attitude; College students
徐婉洋 吉林师范大学教育科学学院 136099
孙崇勇* 吉林师范大学教育科学学院 136099
宫琳然 吉林师范大学教育科学学院 
苏畅 北华大学学生心理发展指导中心 
周小琳 吉林财经大学心理健康教育咨询与服务中心 
盛恒炜 吉林财经大学心理健康教育咨询与服务中心 
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      摘要 目的 探讨亲子依恋对大学生暴力态度的影响,并分析自尊在亲子依恋与大学生暴力态度之间的中介作用,对在大学生群体中开展心理健康教育活动有重要的指导意义。方法 采用父母和同伴依恋问卷的亲子依恋分问卷、罗森伯格自尊量表、变态人格危险性评估问卷的冲动倾向分量表对随机抽取的524名大学生进行调查。运用描述统计、相关分析、回归分析等方法进行分析,并利用Bootstrap法在Process v4.1插件中检验中介效应。结果 大学生亲子依恋分问卷总分为(48.56±13.23)分;自尊量表总分为(29.92±7.41)分;暴力态度问卷总分为(2.56±1.38)分。大学生亲子依恋与暴力态度呈负相关(r=-0.86,P<0.01);亲子沟通、信任、疏离维度均与暴力态度呈负相关(r=-0.82、-0.83、-0.77,P<0.01);大学生亲子依恋与自尊呈正相关(r=0.94,P<0.01);亲子沟通、信任、疏离维度与自尊均呈正相关(r=0.90、0.90、0.87,P<0.01);大学生自尊与暴力态度呈负相关(r=-0.85,P<0.01)。亲子依恋和自尊均能负向预测暴力态度(=-0.25、-0.19,t=-26.45、-3.88,P<0.01);亲子沟通、信任、疏离维度也能够负向预测暴力态度(=-0.27、-0.26、-0.21,t=-3.87、-4.59、-4.17,P<0.01);亲子依恋正向预测自尊(=0.53,t=44.40,P<0.01)。大学生自尊在亲子依恋与暴力态度之间存在部分中介效应,Bootstrap 95%的置信区间为-0.16~-0.04,中介效应量为-0.10。结论 大学生亲子依恋越好,自尊水平越高,则暴力态度越弱;亲子依恋对暴力态度有直接抑制的作用,同时又可以通过自尊间接影响暴力态度。
      Abstract Objective To explore the influence of parent-child attachment on violent attitudes of college students, and analyse the mediating role of self-esteem between parent-child attachment and violent attitudes of college students, which has important guiding significance for carrying out mental health education activities in college students. Methods Parent-child attachment sub-questionnaire of Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment, Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale and Impulsive Tendency subscale of Abnormal Personality Risk Factors Inventory were used to investigate 524 college students randomly selected. Descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, regression analysis and other methods were used for analysis, and the mediation effect was tested by the method of Bootstrap in the Process v4.1 plug-in. Results The total score of parent-child attachment questionnaire was (48.56±13.23); the total score of the self-esteem scale was (29.92±7.41); the total score of violent attitude questionnaire was (2.56±1.38). Parent-child attachment of college students were negatively correlated with violent attitudes (r=-0.86, P<0.01); The dimensions of parent-child communication, trust and alienation were also negatively correlated with violent attitudes (r=-0.82、-0.83、-0.77,P<0.01); Parent-child attachment of college students were positively correlated with self-esteem (r=0.94, P<0.01); The dimensions of parent-child communication, trust and alienation were also positively correlated with self-esteem (r=0.90、0.90、0.87,P<0.01); The self-esteem of college students was negatively correlated with the violent attitude (r=-0.85, P<0.01). Parent-child attachment and self-esteem can negatively predict violent attitude (=-0.25、-0.19,t=-26.45、-3.88,P<0.01); The dimensions of parent-child communication, trust and alienation can also negatively predict violent attitude (=-0.27、-0.26、-0.21,t=-3.87、-4.59、-4.17,P<0.01); Parent-child attachment positively predicts self-esteem (=0.53, t=44.40, P<0.01). The self-esteem of college students has a partial mediating effect on parent-child attachment and violence attitude. The 95% confidence interval of Bootstrap is -0.16~-0.04, and the mediating effect size is -0.10. Conclusion The higher the parent-child attachment and self-esteem of college students are, the weaker the violent attitude is; Parent-child attachment has a direct inhibitory effect on violent attitude, and can also influence violent attitude through self-esteem indirectly.
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