Development and revision of the life attitude self-rating questionnaire for breast cancer
中文关键词: 乳腺癌;生命态度;自评量表;德尔菲法
英文关键词: Breast neoplasms;Life attitude;Self-rating questionnaire;Delphi method
王纹 西安急救中心, 西安 710038
西安交通大学医学部护理学系, 西安 710061 
宁凡 西安市卫生学校临床医学及基础护理学教研室, 西安 710054  
赵芳 西安交通大学第二附属医院乳腺疾病诊疗中心, 西安 710004  
付思佳 西北大学附属医院西安市第三医院甲状腺-乳腺外科, 西安 710018  
周凯娜 西安交通大学医学部护理学系, 西安 710061 zhoukaina@xjtu.edu.cn 
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      目的 基于德尔菲法编制并修订《乳腺癌患者生命态度自评量表》,为乳腺癌患者生命态度的评估提供有效的专用工具。方法 基于生命态度相关理论以及现有相关量表拟定量表维度并建立条目池,采用德尔菲法进行专家函询,依据统计学分析、专家意见和课题组讨论对条目及维度进行筛选和修订。结果 本研究共完成两轮德尔菲法专家函询。第一轮和第二轮专家积极系数分别为94.1%和100%,专家权威程度均为0.90,肯德尔协调系数分别为0.276和0.400。两轮各维度和条目重要性评分满分率均大于50%,变异系数范围0.05~0.29。第一轮共删除4个条目,补充3个条目,修订1个维度和7个条目。第二轮共删除3个条目,补充1个条目,修订1个维度和2个条目。最终形成包括6个维度26个条目的《乳腺癌患者生命态度自评量表》。结论 该量表各个维度和条目均达到统计学标准,并通过专家函询论证和课题组讨论,有待进一步的大样本应用验证。
      Objective The purpose of the study was to develop and revise the Life Attitude Self-rating Questionnaire for Breast Cancer (LASQ-BC) based on the Delphi technique, in order to provide an effective instrument for life attitude evaluation regarding women with breast cancer.Methods The subscales and item pool were established according to life attitude related theories and questionnaires.The Delphi technique was used to perform the experts letter reviews.All subscales and items were selected and revised based on statistical analysis, experts' comments, and in-depth discussion among the research team members.Results A two-round Delphi was completed, with the first and second round having satisfied expert positivity coeffect (94.1% vs 100%), expert authority level (both were 0.90), and Kendall coordination coefficients (0.276 vs 0.400).Regarding the two-round Delphi, the full score rate (%) of the importance score were all above 50%, the coefficient of variation (CV) ranged from 0.05 to 0.29.A total of 4 items were deleted, 3 items were added, 1 subscale and 7 items were revised in the first round, and 3 items were deleted, 1 item was added, 1 subscale and 2 items were revised in the second round.The final LASQ-BC had 26 items with six subscales.Conclusions All subscales and items of the LASQ-BC met the statistical criterion, the experts' letter review and research team in-depth discussion. A further validation of the questionnaire should be performed in a large sample of women with breast cancer.
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