The Relationship Between Medical Students" Sense of life Meaning and Their Sense of Calling——Moderated mediation modelWANG Xin,LI Ying,FAN Jiali. Department of Humanities and Management, Wannan Medical College, Wuhu (241002),Anhui Province,China
投稿时间:2023-10-10  修订日期:2024-03-08
中文关键词: 医学生;生命意义感;职业使命感;希望特质;死亡态度
英文关键词: medical students; the sense of life meaning; sense of calling; hope traits; death attitudes
王欣* 皖南医学院人文与管理学院 241000
李影 皖南医学院人文与管理学院 
范佳丽 皖南医学院人文与管理学院 
摘要点击次数: 107
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      目的 本文旨在分析医学生生命意义感与职业使命感的关系,为医学院校增强医学生的职业使命感提出建议和思路。方法 采用个人意义清单简版中文版(PMP-B-C)、职业使命感量表(CCS)、中文版死亡态度描绘量表修订版(DAP—R)和中文版希望特质量表(DHS)对安徽省某医学院的946名医学生采用随机分层整群抽样方法进行调查。结果 医学生的生命意义感在年级、是否是学生干部上均有显著差异(F=8.76, t=2.70, P<0.01);职业使命感和希望特质在年级(F1=2.76, F2=8.14, P<0.05)、是否是学生干部(t1=5.53, t2=3.50, P<0.01)、生源地(F3=8.24, F4=7.76, P<0.01)上均有显著差异;医学生的生命意义感、职业使命感、希望特质之间均呈显著正相关(r=0.438~0.598, P<0.01);医学生的希望特质在生命意义感对职业使命感的影响中起部分中介作用[效应量=0.111,95%CI(0.065~0.162)]:生命意义感正向影响医学生的希望特质,从而提高职业使命感;医学生的负向死亡态度在生命意义感对职业使命感的中介模型中起调节作用[效应量=0.218,95%CI(0.127, 0.308)],且负向死亡态度越高,希望特质的中介作用越强。结论 提高医学生的生命意义感和希望特质水平,树立中性死亡态度可以提升医学生的职业使命感。
      Objective The purpose of this article is to explore the relationship between medical students’ sense of calling and their sense of meaning in life, and to provide suggestions and new ideas for medical schools to strengthen medical students’ sense of calling. Methods The Personal Meaning Profile-Brief-Chinese Version (PMP-B-C), the Chinese Calling Scale (CCS), the Chinese version of the Death Attitude Profile-Revised (DAP-R) and the Chinese version of the Dispositional Hope Scale (DHS) were administered to 946 medical students from Wan Nan Medical College in Wuhu, Anhui Province. Results Medical students’ sense of life meaning differed significantly by grade level and whether they held leadership positions (F=8.76, t=2.70, P<0.01). Sense of calling and hope traits differed significantly by grade level (F1=2.76, F2=8.14, P<0.05), whether they held leadership positions (t1=5.53, t2=3.50, P<0.01), and place of birth (F3=8.24, F4=7.76, P<0.01). Medical students’ sense of life meaning, sense of calling, and hope traits are all significantly and positively correlated (r=0.438~0.598, P<0.01). Medical students’ hope traits partially mediate the effect of sense of life meaning on sense of calling: sense of life meaning positively influences medical students’ hope traits, thus increasing sense of calling [effect size=0.111, 95%CI (0.065~0.162)]. Medical students’ negative attitudes towards death moderate the mediating model of sense of life meaning on sense of calling [effect size=0.218, 95%CI (0.127, 0.308)], and the higher the negative attitude towards death, the stronger the mediating role of hope trait.Conclusion This research suggests that medical students’ sense of calling can be enhanced by strengthening their sense of life’s meaningfulness and hopeful traits, as well as by adopting a neutral attitude towards death.
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