Relationship between childhood trauma and suicidal ideation of college students: the chain mediating role of perceived social support and psychological resilience
中文关键词: 儿童期创伤;领悟社会支持;心理弹性;自杀意念
英文关键词: Childhood trauma;Perceived social support;Psychological resilience;Suicidal ideation
韩晓霜 济宁医学院精神卫生学院, 济宁 272013  
陈彦君 济宁医学院精神卫生学院, 济宁 272013  
卢晓满 济宁医学院精神卫生学院, 济宁 272013  
李青青 济宁医学院精神卫生学院, 济宁 272013 qingqingli1987@126.com 
李文福 济宁医学院精神卫生学院, 济宁 272013 wenfulee@126.com 
摘要点击次数: 1155
全文下载次数: 876
      目的 探讨儿童期创伤与大学生自杀意念的关系以及领悟社会支持和心理弹性的链式中介作用。方法 采用儿童期创伤问卷、领悟社会支持量表、心理弹性量表和自杀意念量表对我校509名在校大学生进行问卷调查。结果 儿童期虐待、儿童期忽视与自杀意念呈正相关(r=0.42、0.40,P<0.001),与领悟社会支持(r=-0.35、-0.52,P<0.001)和心理弹性(r=-0.17、-0.39,P<0.001)负相关;儿童期虐待通过领悟社会支持的单独中介作用以及领悟社会支持和心理弹性的链式中介作用影响大学生自杀意念(中介效应为0.120,占总效应的28.64%);儿童期忽视通过领悟社会支持和心理弹性的单独中介作用以及领悟社会支持和心理弹性的链式中介作用影响大学生自杀意念(中介效应为0.241,占总效应的58.78%)。结论 儿童期创伤不仅可以直接影响大学生自杀意念,还可以通过领悟社会支持和心理弹性的单独中介作用以及领悟社会支持和心理弹性的链式中介作用间接影响大学生自杀意念。
      Objective To explore the relationship between childhood trauma and suicidal ideation of college students,and the chain mediating role of perceived social support and psychological resilience.Methods A sample of 509 undergraduates were investigated with Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ),Perceived Social Support Scale (PSSS),Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) and Self-rating Idea of Suicide Scale (SIOSS).Results Childhood abuse and childhood neglect were significantly positively correlated with suicidal ideation (r=0.42,0.40,P<0.001),while significantly negatively associated with perceived social support (r=-0.35,-0.52,P<0.001) and psychological resilience (r=-0.17,-0.39,P<0.001).Childhood abuse indirectly affected suicidal ideation through the mediating role of perceived social support and the chain mediating role of perceived social support and psychological resilience (indirect effect was 0.120 accounting for 28.64% of total effect).Childhood neglect indirectly affected suicidal ideation through the mediating role of perceived social support and psychological resilience,and the chain mediating role of perceived social support and psychological resilience (indirect effect was 0.241 accounting for 58.78% of total effect).Conclusion Childhood trauma could not only directly affect suicidal ideation,but also indirectly affect suicidal ideation through the independent mediating role of perceived social support and psychological resilience,and the chain mediating role of perceived social support and psychological resilience.
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