Study on the relationship between self-image management and career development planning cognition of medical students
中文关键词: 自我形象管理;职业发展;医学生
英文关键词: Self-image management;Career development;Medical students
胡伟 蚌埠医学院临床医学院, 蚌埠 233030  
方珠 蚌埠医学院机关总支, 蚌埠 233030 1583567808@qq.com 
摘要点击次数: 909
全文下载次数: 520
      目的 探讨医学生自我形象管理与职业发展规划认知的关系,为医学生自我形象管理的指导提供参考。方法 采用分层随机抽样方法,以调查问卷形式对某医学院校840名本科医学生的自我形象管理与职业发展规划认知情况进行调查。结果 大四年级医学生比其他年级医学生对自我形象管理的了解及意识更强,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),而对自我形象的满意度、自我形象管理能力培养及时间花费方面,不同年级医学生之间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);对自身的了解程度、自我形象损坏的应对、自我形象的展示、是否对职业发展有影响、自我形象打分方面,大四年级医学生与其他年级均存在差异(P<0.05);大四年级医学生对自身职业发展规划及未来所从事职业的认知高于其他年级(P<0.05);自我形象管理与职业发展规划认知呈相关性(r=0.75,P<0.05)。结论 亟需构建系统完整的自我形象管理价值体系,全面提升医学生的自我形象管理能力与技能,从而增强其社会竞争力并获得更好的职业发展前景。
      Objective To explore the relationship between self-image management and career development planning cognition of medical students, and to provide reference for the guidance of medical students' self-image management.Methods A stratified random sampling method was used to investigate the cognition of self-image management and career development planning of 840 undergraduate students in a medical school by questionnaire.Results Fourth-year undergraduates had a stronger understanding and awareness of self-image management than students of other grades, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05), whereas there was no statistically significant difference between students of different grades in terms of satisfaction with self-image, development of self-image management ability, and time spent (P>0.05);there is a difference between fourth-year students and other grades when it comes to the degree of understanding about oneself, response to damage to self-image, presentation of self-image, whether it has an impact on career development, and self-image scoring (P<0.05);fourth-year students have a higher awareness of their career development planning and future careers they are engaged in than other grades (P<0.05);and they believe that there's a strong relationship between self-image management and career development planning cognition(r=0.75, P<0.05).Conclusion There is an urgent need to build a systematic and complete self-image management value system to comprehensively improve students' self-image management ability and skills, so as to enhance their social competitiveness and obtain better career development prospects.
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