Analysis of iron-deficient anemia and risk factors in children aged 2~7 years in Yanzhou District, Jining
中文关键词: 儿童;缺铁性贫血;原因;对策
英文关键词: Children;IDA;Causes;Countermeasures
马庆祥 济宁市兖州区妇幼保健计划生育服务中心儿童保健科, 济宁 272100 
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      目的 分析济宁市兖州区2~7岁儿童缺铁性贫血(iron-deficient anemia,IDA)情况及其危险因素,为防治2~7岁儿童IDA提供决策依据。方法 连续纳入2018年1月至2022年12月在本单位体检的22360名2~7岁儿童,记录其人口学、体格检查、分娩状况、出生体重、喂养方式、饮食习惯、添加辅食、血常规等资料,用χ2检验进行数据分析,用logistic回归分析筛选IDA的独立危险因素。结果 22360名2~7岁儿童共检出IDA 810例,患病率为3.62%,其中轻、中度贫血分别为798例(3.57%)、12例(0.05%),无重度贫血;农村儿童IDA患病率与城镇儿童无统计学差异(χ2=1.724,P=0.189);男、女童的IDA患病率差异无统计学意义(χ2=0.098,P=0.755)。2岁~儿童IDA患病率最高(5.3%),随年龄增长,IDA患病率呈下降趋势。年龄(2岁~)、人工喂养、不及时添加辅食、挑食偏食、早产是2~7岁儿童IDA的独立危险因素。结论 平衡饮食、预防早产是降低2~7岁儿童IDA发病率的关键。为今后IDA防治提供了理论依据。
      Objective To analyse the prevalence and risk factors of iron deficiency anaemia (IDA) in children aged 2~7 years in Yanzhou District, Jining, and to provide a basis for decision-making on the prevention and treatment of IDA.Methods A total of 22360 children aged 2~7 years who received medical examination in our center from January 2018 to December 2022 were consecutively included and their demographics, physical examination, delivery status, birth weight, feeding patterns, dietary habits, addition of complementary foods, and blood tests were recorded.The χ2 test was used for data analysis of count data and logistic regression analysis was used to screen for independent risk factors for IDA.Results A total of 810 cases of IDA were detected among 22360 children aged 2~7 years, with a prevalence of 3.62%, including 798 (3.57%) cases of mild anaemia, 12 (0.05%) cases of moderate anaemia, and no cases of severe anaemia;the difference in the prevalence of IDA between boys and girls was not statistically significant (χ2=0.098, P=0.755);The difference between the prevalence of IDA in rural children and urban children was not statistically significant (χ2=1.724, P=0.189).The younger the child, the higher the prevalence of anaemia, with a decreasing trend with increasing age.Age, artificial feeding, untimely supplementation, picky and partial eating and prematurity were independent risk factors for IDA in children aged 2~7 years.Conclusion A balanced diet and prevention of preterm birth are keys to reducing the prevalence of IDA in children aged 2-7 years.
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