The application of CBL associated with target teaching method in the teaching of general surgery interns
中文关键词: 案例教学法;目标教学法;普外科;教学满意度
英文关键词: Case-based learning;Target teaching method;General surgery;Teaching satisfaction
杨怀成 安徽理工大学第一附属医院普外科, 淮南 232007  
冯希武 安徽理工大学第一附属医院教育处, 淮南 232007  
周先锋 安徽理工大学第一附属医院普外科, 淮南 232007  
王从玉 安徽理工大学第一附属医院普外科, 淮南 232007  
廖和强 安徽理工大学第一附属医院普外科, 淮南 232007  
宋蕊 蚌埠医学院研究生院, 蚌埠 233030  
黄伟 安徽理工大学第一附属医院教育处, 淮南 232007 542403560@qq.com 
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      目的 观察普外科临床见习教学中案例教学(case-based learning,CBL)联合目标教学法的效果。方法 以2020年12月至2021年12月在安徽理工大学第一附属医院普外科的70名见习生为研究对象,随机分为对照组和观察组各35名。对照组进行传统的普外科见习教学,观察组进行CBL联合目标教学法,比较两组的理论成绩、临床技能考核成绩、综合能力及对教学的满意度。结果 经过培训考核后,观察组基础理论及临床技能考核成绩均明显高于对照组(t=6.26,9.00,Ps<0.05);从综合能力看,在自我训练、临床思路及操作、医患沟通、团队合作、兴趣激发等方面观察组高于对照组(χ2=5.081,8.929,4.629,7.652,6.437,Ps<0.05);对见习教学的满意率观察组为100%,高于对照组的82.86%(χ2=6.56,P<0.05)。结论 CBL联合目标教学法在普外科学见习教学中的运用,可以显著提高教学质量,使学员对教学的满意度得到提升。
      Objective To explore the teaching effect of case-based learning (CBL) associated with the target teaching method in clinical probation of general surgery.Methods From December 2020 to December 2021,35 students in the Department of General Surgery of the First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui University of Science and Technology were selected as the control group,with the traditional general surgery probation teaching, and 35 students in the same period were selected as the observation group,with the CBL associated with the target teaching method.The theoretical level,medical history collection,case analysis,skill operation score,self-evaluation,and satisfaction with teaching were compared between the control group and the observation group.Results The theoretical level,medical history collection,case analysis,and skill operation evaluation scores of interns in the observation group were significantly higher than those in the control group (t=6.26,9.00,Ps<0.05).In terms of comprehensive ability,the observation group was significantly higher than the control group in terms of self-training,thinking and operation ability,doctor-patient communication ability,collaboration ability,and interest improvement (χ2=5.081,8.929,4.629,7.652,6.437,Ps<0.05);the satisfaction rate of probation teaching in the observation group (100%) was significantly higher than that in the control group (82.86%) (χ2=6.56,P<0.05).Conclusion The application of CBL combined with the target teaching method in general surgery probation teaching can improve the teaching quality and improve students' satisfaction with teaching.
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