Epidemiological investigation and risk factor analysis of bronchial asthma among adults in Guiyang
中文关键词: 哮喘;贵阳;流行病学;危险因素
英文关键词: Asthma;Guiyang;Epidemiology;Risk factors
石彦明 贵阳市第四人民医院, 贵阳 550000 
吴玲 贵阳市第四人民医院, 贵阳 550000 
肖敏烨 贵阳市第四人民医院, 贵阳 550000 
丁雯 贵阳市第四人民医院, 贵阳 550000 
陈远平 贵阳市第四人民医院, 贵阳 550000 
王里君 贵阳市第四人民医院, 贵阳 550000 
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      目的 了解贵阳地区支气管哮喘(简称哮喘)的流行病学情况和易患因素。方法 采用统一的流行病学调查表格,以随机、分层、不等比、整群抽样方法,按区、居委会进行抽样调查。使用单因素分析和多因素logistic回归分析,筛选出哮喘患病的相关危险因素。结果 全地区实际调查年龄>18岁常住居民5900人,其中男性2917人,女性2983人。哮喘病患者164例,其中男性79例,女性85例,总患病率为2.78%,男性患病率为 2.71%,女性患病率为2.85%,男女患病率无明显差别(P>0.05),但随着年龄的增加患病率逐渐增加。年龄、哮喘家族史、吸烟、被动抽烟、幼年时呼吸道感染、过敏性鼻炎、花粉过敏、药物过敏及食物过敏是影响哮喘患病的危险因素(P<0.05)。其中哮喘家族史(OR=13.713,P<0.05)、幼年时呼吸道感染(OR=4.088,P<0.05)及花粉过敏(OR=3.587,P<0.05)为哮喘患病的独立危险因素。结论 本文调查贵阳地区成人哮喘病的流行情况,应提高成人对哮喘危险因素的认知,加强对危险因素的防控,预防和减少哮喘的发生。
      Objective To understand the epidemiological situation and susceptibility factors of bronchial asthma (asthma) in Guiyang.Methods The uniform epidemiological survey form was adopted to conduct sampling survey by district and neighborhood committee by random,stratified,unequal ratio and cluster sampling method.Univariate χ2 analysis and multivariate logistic regression analysis were used to screen the related risk factors of asthma.Results A total of 5,900 permanent residents including 2,917 males and 2,983 females over the age of 18 were actually,were investigated in the whole region.There were 164 patients with asthma,79 males and 85 females,with a total prevalence of 2.78% in females and 2.71% in males.There was no significant difference between male and female (P>0.05),but the prevalence gradually increased with the increase of age.Age,family history of asthma,smoking,passive smoking,childhood respiratory infections,allergic rhinitis,pollen allergies,drug allergies and food allergies were the risk factors for asthma,among which family history of asthma(OR=13.713,P<0.05),childhood respiratory infections (OR=4.088,P<0.05)and pollen allergies(OR=3.587,P<0.05) were independent risk factors for asthma.Conclusion This survey basically represents the prevalence of asthma among adults in Guiyang.It is necessary to improve adults' awareness of risk factors of asthma,strengthen the prevention and control of risk factors,and prevent and reduce the occurrence of asthma.
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