Survey on the attention level of occupational hazard protection in machinery and hardware industry in a special economic zone
中文关键词: 职业危害;个人防护;调查;机械五金
英文关键词: Occupational hazards;Personal protection;Survey;Machinery and hardware
李佳宣 济宁医学院公共卫生学院, 济宁 272013
潍坊医学院公共卫生学院, 潍坊 261033 
李和成 济宁医学院公共卫生学院, 济宁 272013  
华宏昊 济宁医学院公共卫生学院, 济宁 272013  
林立 济宁医学院公共卫生学院, 济宁 272013 linli6711@sina.com 
摘要点击次数: 1362
全文下载次数: 702
      目的 通过对某经济特区机械五金行业职业危害防护重视程度的调查,为职业病防治提供解决思路。方法 在某经济特区随机抽取200家机械五金企业进行现况调查,内容包括基本情况、定期健康体检情况、个人防护用品使用情况、企业职业危害告知情况、主要危害因素类型等。结果 微型、小型、中型、大型企业个人防护用品使用率分别为83.22%、89.06%、96.92%、74.34%。粉尘、噪声、高温、毒物的职业病告知率分别为52.98%、34.24%、10.19%、77.51%。不同职业类型个人防护用品使用率分别为96.22%、88.95%、32.45%、75.26%,其中高温和毒物个人防护用品使用率较低。微型、小型、中型、大型企业的定期体检率分别为5.36%、19.38%、53.27%、31.18%,职业卫生培训率分别为15.16%、66.11%、92.85%、70.68%。中型企业定期健康体检率和职业卫生培训率高于微型、小型和大型企业(P<0.05)。结论 中型企业卫生职业危害防护重视程度较度较高;卫生监督部门应该加强对企业的监督,企业应加强对接触职业危害人员的职业卫生培训。
      Objective To investigate the importance of occupational hazard protection in mechanical and hardware industry in a special economic zone,and to provide solutions for occupational disease prevention and control.Methods 200 mechanical and hardware enterprises were randomly selected in a special economic zone to give a survey.The survey included the basic information,regular health examination,the use of personal protective equipment,the situation of occupational hazards notification and the types of major hazards.Results The utilization rates of personal protective equipment for miniature,small,medium and large enterprises were 83.22%,89.06%,96.92% and 74.34% respectively,and the utilization rate of personal protective equipment of high temperature and poisons were low (32.45% and 75.26%).The occupational-disease-notification rates of dust,noise,high temperature and poison were 52.98%,34.24%,10.19% and 77.51% respectively,and the utilization rates of personal protective equipment were 96.22%,88.95%,32.45% and 75.26% respectively.The regular physical examination rate of miniature,small,medium and large enterprises is 5.36%,19.38%,53.27% and 31.18% respectively,and the vocational health training rate is 15.16%,66.11%,92.85% and 70.68% respectively.The regular physical examination rate and occupational health training rate of workers in medium-sized enterprises were higher than those in miniature,small and large enterprises (P<0.05).Conclusion Medium-sized enterprises pay more attention to the protection of occupational health hazards.Health supervision departments should strengthen the supervision of enterprises,and enterprises should strengthen the occupational health training for workers exposed to occupational hazards.
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