Discussion and practice of the organic integration between the course of Basic Pharmacology and the ideological and political education of nursing specialty
中文关键词: 护理专业;药物学基础;课程思政;教学实践
英文关键词: Nursing specialty;Basic Pharmacology Course;Organic integration of professional courses and ideological and political education;Teaching practice
邰怡 山东省青岛第二卫生学校, 青岛 266300 
姜瑞涛 山东省青岛第二卫生学校, 青岛 266300 
刘萍 山东省青岛第二卫生学校, 青岛 266300 
迟玉芹 山东省青岛第二卫生学校, 青岛 266300 
摘要点击次数: 2046
全文下载次数: 1296
      目的 基于护理专业药物学基础课程的内容和特点,探讨将思想政治教育融入药物学基础课程中的实践效果。方法 采用整群抽样法选取2019级护理专业1班、2班105名学生作为对照组,3班、4班108名学生作为观察组。对照组采用传统的教学模式开展教学,观察组在对照组的基础上,结合药物学基础课程的特点,深入挖掘思政素材,将思想政治教育融入教学中。采用过程性评价成绩和期终考试成绩相结合(综合考核成绩)的方式对两组学生进行评价。结果 观察组学生在课堂效率、学习兴趣、合理安全用药和职业自豪感等方面的满意度均高于对照组(P<0.05)。观察组学生的各项考核成绩均高于对照组(P<0.05)。结论 护理专业《药物学基础》课程思政非常有必要,有助于提高育人效果,践行立德树人。
      Objective Based on the content and characteristics of the basic pharmacology course of nursing specialty, Discussion the practical effect of integrating ideological and political education into the basic pharmacology course.Methods The cluster sampling method was used to select 105 students from Class 1 and Class 2 of the 2019 nursing specialty as the control group, and 108 students from Class 3 and 4 as the observation group.The control group used the traditional teaching model to carry out teaching, and the observation group was based on the control group, combined with the characteristics of the basic pharmacology course, digging in-depth ideological and political materials, and integrating the ideological and political education into the teaching.The two groups of students were evaluated by a combination of process evaluation results and final exam results (comprehensive evaluation results).Results The students in the observation group were higher than the control group in terms of classroom learning efficiency, Interest in learning, reasonably safe use of medicines, and professional pride (P<0.05).The evaluation scores of the students in the observation group were higher than those in the control group (P<0.05).Conclusion The organic integration of the course of "Basic Pharmacology" of nursing specialty and ideological and political education is very necessary, which will help improve the effect of education, set up a moral career by oneself, set an example for future generations, and cultivate talents.
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