Study on the correlation between serum PLGF level in early pregnancy and fetal birth weight
中文关键词: 早孕期;PLGF;胎儿出生体重
英文关键词: Early pregnancy;PLGF;Fetal birth weight
于甜甜 济宁医学院临床医学院, 济宁 272013  
冯雪芹 济宁医学院附属医院, 济宁 272029  
魏玉茜 济宁医学院附属医院, 济宁 272029  
马军阳 济宁医学院第二临床医学院, 济宁 272067  
张坤 济宁医学院附属医院, 济宁 272029  
满冬梅 济宁医学院附属医院, 济宁 272029 mandongmei@163.com 
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全文下载次数: 1155
      目的 探讨早孕期孕妇血清胎盘生长因子(placental growth factor,PLGF)与胎儿出生体重的关联性。方法 选取2017年01月01日至2019年09月30日于我院产科门诊进行产检的1325名早孕期孕妇进行血清PLGF检测,从我院病历信息系统中检索了包括研究对象基本信息、内外科病史、产科病史和新生儿基本信息在内的信息,并对检测结果、新生儿出生体重及相关影响因素进行统计分析。结果 单因素分析显示PLGF MoM水平四分组间胎儿出生体重有统计学差异(P<0.05);校正了混杂因素以后,通过平滑曲线拟合发现PLGF MoM与胎儿出生体重呈曲线关系。PLGF MoM拐点为1,当PLGF MoM<1时,PLGF MoM每增加1,胎儿出生体重增加0.5kg(95%CI:0.3~0.7,P<0.001);当PLGF MoM≥1时,PLGF MoM每增加1,胎儿出生体重减少0.1kg(95%CI:-0.2~0.1,P=0.272)。结论 早孕期孕妇血清中PLGF水平与胎儿出生体重存在曲线关系。
      Objective To analyze of the correlation between placental growth factor(PLGF) level and fetal birth weight during early pregnancy.Methods 1325 pregnant women who had the production inspection in the maternity clinic of affiliated hospital of Jining medical university from January 1,2017 to September 30,2019 were selected for serum PLGF testing,and basic information of the study subjects,medical and surgical history,obstetric history and basic information of the newborns were retrieved from our medical record information system,and the test results,birth weight of the newborns and related influencing factors were analyzed by the statistical software packages R and Empower Stats.Results Univariate analysis showed that there was statistical difference between the level of PLGF MoM and fetal birth weight in different groups (P<0.05);after correcting for confounding factors,smoothed curve fitting revealed a curvilinear relationship between PLGF MoM and fetal birth weight with an inflection point of 1.When PLGF MoM was <1,the fetal birth weight increased by 0.5kg for every 1 increase in PLGF MoM (95%CI:0.3~0.7,P< 0.001);when PLGF MoM≥1,the fetal birth weight decreased by 0.1kg for every 1 increase in PLGF MoM (95%CI:-0.2~0.1,P=0.272).Conclusion There is a curvilinear relationship between PLGF levels in maternal serum and fetal birth weight during early pregnancy.
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