Association between serum miR-92a expression and progression free survival inpatients with gastric adenocarcinoma
中文关键词: miR-92a;胃腺癌;血清;无进展生存期
英文关键词: MiR-92a;Gastric adenocarcinoma;Serum;Progressionfree survival
李秋田 潍坊医学院外科学教研室, 潍坊 261053  
翟弥弥 潍坊医学院第一附属医院(潍坊市人民医院), 潍坊 261031  
焦鑫 潍坊医学院附属医院, 潍坊 261031  
王玉 潍坊医学院附属医院, 潍坊 261031  
张力 潍坊医学院附属医院, 潍坊 261031  
张国友 潍坊医学院附属医院, 潍坊 261031 ZGUOYOU@126.com 
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      目的 探讨miR-92a在胃腺癌患者血清中的表达情况及其与临床病理特征、患者无进展生存期的关系。方法 对87例胃腺癌患者和78例健康对照者的血清样本进行实时定量聚合酶链反应(RT-qPCR),检测miR-92a表达水平,并分析miR-92a表达水平与胃癌临床病理特征以及与胃腺癌患者无进展生存期的关系。结果 胃腺癌患者血清miR-92a水平明显高于健康对照组,差异有统计学意义(t=19.720,P<0.001);miR-92a在血清中的表达水平与胃腺癌患者的性别、年龄、肿瘤位置、肿瘤大小、分化程度无明显关系,而与胃腺癌的浸润深度、淋巴结转移、远处转移、临床分期等临床病理特征关系密切,且差异具有统计学意义。Kaplan-Meier生存分析表明,胃腺癌患者中血清miR-92a高表达组中位无进展生存期(15个月)低于miR-92a低表达组(23个月),两组间生存曲线存在统计学差异(χ2=9.06,P<0.001)。血清miR-92a高表达组的死亡风险是低表达组的1.97倍(HR=1.97,P<0.05)。结论 血清miR-92a在胃腺癌患者血清中表达升高,与胃腺癌患者无进展生存期密切相关。
      Objective To study the expression of miR-92a in the serum of patients with gastric adenocarcinoma and its relationship with clinical pathological characteristics and the non-progression survival of patients with gastric adenocarcinoma.Methods Real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) was carried out on serum samples from 87 patients with gastric adenocarcinoma and 78 healthy controls.The expression level of miR-92a was detected,and the relationship between miR-92a expression level and the clinical pathological characteristics of gastric adenocarcinoma and the non-progressive survival of patients with gastric adenocarcinoma was analyzed.Results The expression level of miR-92a in serum of gastric adenocarcinoma patients was significantly higher than that of healthy controls (t=19.720,P<0.001).The expression levels of miR-92a were not different in gender,age,tumor location,tumor size and differentiation degree,while were different in the depth of invasion,lymph node metastasis,distant metastasis and clinical stage.Kaplan-Meier survival analysis showed that the median progression free survival (PFS) of gastric adenocarcinoma patients with high expression of mir-92a (15 months) was lower than that of gastric cancer patients with low expression of mir-92a (23 months),and there was significant difference in the survival curve between the two groups (χ2=9.06,P<0.001).The risk of death in the high expression group was 1.97 times higher than that in the low expression group (HR=1.97,P<0.05).Conclusion Serum miR-92a showed elevated expression in the serum of patients with gastric adenocarcinoma,which was closely related to the non-progressive survival of patients with gastric adenocarcinoma.
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