The effects of vacuum sealing drainage against ischemia-reperfusion injury in patients with Limbs trauma
中文关键词: 负压封闭引流;肢体创伤;缺血-再灌注损伤;效果
英文关键词: Vacuum sealing drainage (VSD);Limbs trauma;Ischemia-reperfusion injury
潘维亮 济宁医学院附属滕州市中心人民医院, 滕州 277500  
段修芳 济宁医学院附属滕州市中心人民医院, 滕州 277500  
赵芳 济宁医学院附属滕州市中心人民医院, 滕州 277500 13561199632@163.com 
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      目的 探讨负压封闭引流(VSD)技术在四肢创伤术后应用疗效及在缺血-再灌注(ischemia-reperfusion,IR)损伤中的作用。方法 选取2015年1月至2019年1月滕州市中心人民医院手足外科四肢创伤患者80例并随机分为对照组和观察组,其中对照组(n=36)给予术后常规减张引流,观察组(n=44)在常规减张引流基础上采用VSD治疗,应用7d引流正常后将敷料拆除。分别于术前和术后7d检测两组血丙二醛(MDA)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)含量,术后14d评判疗效。结果 术后14d观察组总有效率高于对照组(95.4%&91.7%),差异无统计学意义(χ2=0.49,P>0.05);两组术后7d MDA较术前均明显升高,SOD较术前显著下降,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);术前两组MDA、SOD比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);术后7d观察组MDA低于对照组[(6.0±2.5)μmol/L&(7.6±3.1)μmol/L,t=2.56,P<0.05],SOD高于对照组[(99.3±11.0)U/ml&(92.0±9.3)U/ml,t=3.07,P<0.01],差异有统计学意义。结论 四肢组织创伤患者术后往往存在IR损伤;VSD的应用可在一定程度上减轻IR损伤。
      Objective To analyze the efficacy and prevention of ischemia-reperfusion(IR) injury in patients with limbs trauma treated by vacuum sealing drainage (VSD).Methods Eighty cases in department of hand and foot surgery of Tengzhou Central People's Hospital from January 2015 to January 2019 with limbs trauma were divided into 2 groups randomly.The observation group (n=44) were accepted traditional drainage method and VSD after surgery,and 36 of 80 patients were received traditional drainage method in control group(n=36).And the treatment was lasted for 7 days.The level of malondialdehyde (MDA) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) were tested prior to surgery and 7 days later.The results and livability were compared between the two groups.Results 1) 14 days after surgery,livability of VSD group was higher than that of control group (95.4% & 91.7%),but there were no statistical significance(χ2=0.49,P>0.05);2) Compared with pre-surgery value,there were significant increases of MDA,whereas SOD activity was decreased at 7 days post reperfusion in 2 groups (P<0.01);3) There were no differences of MDA and SOD between the two groups before surgery (P>0.05);Compared with control group,VSD can reduce the productivity of MDA[(7.6±3.1)μmol/L & (6.0±2.5)μmol/L,t=2.56,P<0.05]and promote the activities of SOD at 7 days after surgery[(92.0±9.3)U/ml & (99.3±11.0) U/ml,t=3.07,P<0.01],the difference was statistical significance.Conclusion There is ischemia-reperfusion injury in patients with limbs trauma;VSD can reduce the ischemia-reperfusion injury to some extent.
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