Correlation between the health literacy and health related behaviors of college students
中文关键词: 大学生;健康素养;健康行为;相关性分析
英文关键词: College students;Health literacy;Health related behaviors;Correlation study
宋煜炜 济宁医学院公共卫生学院, 济宁 272013  
顾怀婷 济宁医学院公共卫生学院, 济宁 272013  
刘根义 济宁医学院公共卫生学院, 济宁 272013  
李晶 济宁医学院公共卫生学院, 济宁 272013 Lijing3465@com 
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      目的 了解大学生的健康素养和健康行为状况及其相关性,为制定健康教育措施及干预性研究提供科学依据。方法 采用分层整群抽样的方法,抽取某医学院医学类、理学类、文学类专业4个年级的学生,使用《2015全国居民健康素养监测问卷》和《中国青少年健康相关行为调查问卷》进行调查,共发放问卷1682份,回收有效问卷1582份。结果 大学生存在至少1种危害健康行为的比例为99.6%,存在至少1种促进健康行为的比例为77.5%,健康素养合格率为34.1%;具有不同促进健康行为的大学生,健康素养得分差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);健康素养得分与促进健康行为聚集无相关关系(P>0.05),健康素养得分与危害健康行为聚集有相关关系(P﹤0.05);多因素分析结果显示,影响大学生危害健康行为聚集情况的因素包括性别、年级、自感健康状况、健康素养;女性、健康素养是危害健康行为的保护因素,高年级、自感健康状况差是危险因素。结论 大学生普遍存在着危害健康行为,且具备健康素养的合格率较低,健康素养与危害健康行为呈负相关。
      Objective To investigate the status of the health literacy and health related behaviors as well as their correlations of college students,so as to provide the evidence for health education and the health intervention program.Methods Students majoring in medical,science and literature were selected in each grade by the stratified cluster sampling method.The 2015 National Residents' Health Literacy Monitoring Questionnaire and the China Youth Health Related Behavior Questionnaire were used in this study.A total of 1682 students were surveyed and 1582 samples were valid.Results There were 99.6% college students who had at least one health hazard behavior,and the proportion of who had at least one health promotion behavior was 77.5%.The pass rate of students' health literacy was 34.1%.There was no significant difference of health literacy scores among college students with different health promotion behaviors (P>0.05).Health literacy scores were associated with the health hazard behavior aggregation (P<0.05),but showed no correlation with the health promotion behavior aggregation (P>0.05).The multiple factors analysis indicated that the influencing factors for health hazard behaviors were gender,grade,self-perceived health status and health literacy.Specifically,female and health literacy were protect factors for health hazard behaviors,while the higher grade and lower self-perceived health status were risk factors.Conclusion The hazard health behaviors were common and the pass rate of health literacy was low in college students.The health literacy was negatively associated with health hazards behaviors.
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