Analysis of innovative training programs for medical students in a medical university from 2015 to 2019
中文关键词: 大学生创新训练计划;医学生;项目立项
英文关键词: Innovation training plan for college students;Medical students;Project establishment
杨瑜 济宁医学院精神卫生学院, 济宁 272000  
王凡璐 济宁医学院康复医学院, 济宁 272000  
吴仕收 滨州医学院临床医学院, 烟台 264003  
王正 济宁医学院精神卫生学院, 济宁 272000  
韩爽爽 济宁医学院教务处, 济宁 272000  
周旋 济宁医学院精神卫生学院, 济宁 272000 zhoux_86@163.com 
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      目的 对某医学院校本科生申报大学生创新训练项目的基本情况进行调查,评估项目实施情况,为医学本科生创新能力训练实施提供建议。方法 调查某医学院2015-2019年大学生创新训练项目的立项情况,对不同年份、性别、专业、级别等项目情况进行统计分析。结果 共调查大学生创新训练项目409项,总体申报立项率不足1%,但每年申报立项数量和立项率逐步提高。不同年级、学科、性别的立项数量及立项率均存在差异,近三年大二年级立项数量和立项率均为最高;重点学科的立项数量及立项率明显高于其他专业;不同性别间立项数量及立项率呈现波动趋势,2019年女生立项数量及立项率明显高于男生。在立项方向的选择上,基础与临床科学研究明显高于其他学科。大创项目资助发表论文数量也在逐年增多,其中医药卫生科技类论文所在比例最高(73.53%)。结论 医学院校可根据学生性别、专业、爱好等引导不同学生参与大学生创新训练计划项目,以便提供充足条件保障项目顺利实施。
      Objective To explore the feasibility of innovative ability training program for medical undergraduates based on innovative training project for undergraduates,to investigate the basic situation of undergraduates applying for innovative training project for undergraduates,to evaluate the implementation of the project,and to provide suggestions for the implementation of innovative ability training for medical undergraduates.Methods This paper compared the numbers and ratioes of innovative training programs for undergraduates in a local medical college during the past five years from 2015 to 2019 based on different year,grade,gender and major.Results A total of 409 innovative training projects for college students were investigated.The overall participation rate was less than one percent.The number and rate of declared projects increased gradually every year.There were differences in the project numbers and ratios within different grades,majors and genders.The number and rate of project for sophomores were the highest in recent three years.The number and rate of project for student majored in key disciplines were significantly higher than that of other majors.The number and rate of projects in different genders showed a trend of fluctuation.In 2019,the number and rate of projects responsible by female students were significantly higher than that of male students.In the choice of project direction,the basic and clinical research was obviously higher than other disciplines.The number of published papers funded by innovative training programs was also increasing year by year,among which the proportion of medical and health science papers was the highest(73.53%).Conclusion Medical universities could be suggested to support and encourage students to participate in innovative training according to different according to the gender and major of the students,in order to provide sufficient support for its smooth implementation.
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