Effects on ultrastructure and mitochondrial fission and fusion gene mRNA expression of skeletal muscle in mice with n-hexane subacute exposure
中文关键词: 正己烷;骨骼肌;线粒体;超微结构;小鼠
英文关键词: Hexane;Skeletal muscle;Mitochondria;Ultrastructure;Mice
高波 济宁医学院药学院, 日照 276826  
任强 济宁医学院药学院, 日照 276826  
李丽 济宁医学院药学院, 日照 276826  
刘梅芳 济宁医学院药学院, 日照 276826  
黄志诚 济宁医学院基础医学院, 济宁 272067 hzc3629@163.com 
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全文下载次数: 1100
      目的 探讨正己烷亚急性染毒对小鼠骨骼肌超微结构及线粒体分裂与融合基因mRNA表达的影响。方法 昆明小鼠随机分为高、中、低剂量染毒组及对照组,每组10只。对3个染毒组小鼠正己烷灌胃染毒,染毒剂量分别为2000mg/kg、1000mg/kg、500mg/kg,每天1次,共28d。荧光定量PCR检测各组骨骼肌Mfn1、Mfn2、Fis1mRNA的表达,电镜观察高剂量染毒组和对照组骨骼肌超微结构。结果 对照组、低剂量染毒组、中剂量染毒组、高剂量染毒组Mfn1mRNA的表达量分别为59.88±13.60、46.46±9.45、39.71±7.25、11.52±4.91,Mfn2mRNA的表达量分别为77.45±16.51、44.90±16.40、37.17±11.33、22.25±8.07,Fis1mRNA的表达量分别为121.20±24.49、152.91±41.29、175.32±47.23、203.13±67.71。与对照组比较,除低剂量染毒组的Mfn1 mRNA的表达外,其余各组Mfn1、Mfn2 mRNA的表达均显著降低(P<0.01)。各组间Fis1mRNA的表达无显著性差异(F=0.63,P=0.60)。高剂量染毒组骨骼肌超微结构可见肌原纤维排列紊乱且不规则,发生扭曲、缺失,肌小节和肌丝溶解,局部肌小节被细胞器占据,同时伴线粒体数量减少、嵴的缺失及线粒体空泡化。结论 正己烷亚急性染毒可导致小鼠骨骼肌的线粒体形态与功能出现异常,可成为骨骼肌损伤的机制之一。
      Objective To investigate the effects on ultrastructure and mitochondrial fission and fusion gene mRNA expression of skeletal muscle in mice with n-hexane subacute exposure.Methods Kunming mice were randomly divided into high-dose exposure group,middle-dose exposure group,low-dose exposure group and control group.Hexane was given to three exposure groups with2000 mg/kg,1000 mg/kg and 500 mg/kg respectively by the gavage once a day for 28 days.The expression of Mfn1mRNA,Mfn2mRNA and Fis1mRNA in skeletal muscle of each group was measured by RT-PCR,and the ultrastructure of skeletal muscle was observed in high-dose exposure group by electron microscope.Results In control group,low-dose group,middle-dose group and high-dose group,the expression levels of Mfn1 mRNA were 59.88±13.60,46.46±9.45,39.71±7.25 and 11.52±4.91;the expression levels of Mfn2 mRNA were 77.45±16.51,44.90±16.40,37.17±11.33 and 22.25±8.07;and the expression levels of Fis1 mRNA were 121.20±24.49,152.91±41.29,175.32±47.23 and 203.13±67.71,respectively.Compared with control group,the expression of Mfn1 mRNA and Mfn2 mRNA was decreased significantly (P<0.01) in 3 exposure groups.There was no significant difference in Fis1 mRNA expression among all the groups (P=0.60).The ultrastructure of skeletal muscle in high-dose exposure group showed disordered and irregular arrangement,distortion and loss of myofibrils,dissolution of sarcomeres and filaments,and local sarcomeres occupied by organelles.The number of mitochondria was decreased as well as mitochondrial ridge loss and mitochondrial vacuolation.Conclusion Subacute exposure to n-hexane can lead to abnormal mitochondrial morphology and function of skeletal muscle in mice,which is one of the mechanisms of skeletal muscle impairment.
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