MSCT manifestations and differential diagnosis of Xp11.2 translocation/TFE3 fusion related renal carcinoma
中文关键词: 肾癌;体层摄影术;X线计算机;Xp11.2易位;TFE3基因融合
英文关键词: Renal cancer;Tomography;X-ray computed;Xp11.2 translocation;TFE3 gene fusion
于永梅 济宁医学院附属济宁市第一人民医院, 济宁 272000 
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      目的 分析Xp11.2易位/TFE3基因融合相关性肾癌MSCT特点及鉴别诊断,提高其诊断准确性。方法 收集12例经手术病理证实的Xp11.2易位/TFE3基因融合相关性肾癌CT资料,2例CT平扫,4例增强扫描,6例行CT平扫及增强扫描,分析病变的临床特点、部位、包膜、密度及强化特点。结果 12例患者5例位于肾髓质,4例位于肾皮质,3例位于皮髓质交界区。肿瘤形态多样,4例为类圆形,2例呈菜花状,6例形态欠规整。4例为囊性,8例为囊实性。CT平扫3例为混杂密度,4例为稍低密度,5例为稍高密度。增强扫描7例呈渐进性延迟强化,5例呈"少进-慢出"式强化。结论 Xp11.2易位/TFE3基因融合相关性肾癌具有一定CT特征,有助于提高本病诊断能力。
      Objective To analyze the MSCT characteristics and differential diagnosis of Xp11.2 translocation/TFE3 gene fusion related renal cell carcinoma,and to improve its diagnostic accuracy.Methods The CT data of 12 cases of renal cancer with Xp11.2 translocation/TFE3 gene fusion were collected.The CT data of 12 patients with Xp11.2 translocation/TFE3 gene fusion related renal cancer confirmed by operation and pathology were collected.In the interim,2 patients underwent plain CT scanning,4 patients underwent enhanced CT scanning,6 patients underwent plain CT scanning and enhanced CT scanning.The clinical characteristics,location,capsule,density and enhanced characteristics of the lesions were analyzed.Results Among the 12 patients,5 patients' tumors were located in the renal medulla,4 patients' tumors were located in the renal cortex,3 patients' tumors were located in the border area of the skin and medulla.The shape of the tumor varied with 4 cases of round-like,2 cases of cauliflower-like,6 cases of irregular tumor morphology.For the nature of the tumor,4 cases were cystic,8 cases were solid cystic.The results of CT plain scan showed that there were 3 cases of mixed density,4 cases of slightly low density and 5 cases of slightly high density.The results of enhanced CT scanning showed that 7 cases showed progressive delayed enhancement and 5 cases showed less in slow out enhancement.Conclusion Xp11.2 translocation/TFE3 fusion related renal cancer has certain clinical and CT characteristics,which is helpful to improve the diagnosis value of this disease.
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