Self-control study of root resorption and bonding enamel adhesive resin splint
中文关键词: 树脂牙合垫;牙根吸收;锥形束CT
英文关键词: Enamel adhesive resin splint;External apical root resorption;Cone-beam CT
步捷 济宁医学院口腔医学院, 济宁 272013 
摘要点击次数: 2803
全文下载次数: 1228
      目的 比较后牙牙合面粘结树脂牙合垫和未使用粘结树脂牙合垫对牙根根尖吸收的影响,分析粘结树脂牙合垫与牙根吸收的关系。方法 选取2013年1月1日至2015年12月31日于济宁医学院附属医院正畸科因咬合干扰需要使用下颌后牙树脂牙合垫的患者26例,在下颌单侧第一磨牙牙合面粘结树脂牙合垫作为实验侧,另一侧未使用粘结树脂牙合垫作为对照侧。治疗前、后拍摄锥形束CT(CBCT),测量下颌第一磨牙牙根根尖外吸收量。比较2组牙根根尖外吸收量的差异。结果 试验侧下颌第一磨牙的近中牙根根尖外吸收量为(0.87±0.62)mm,对照侧该牙根根尖吸收量(0.85±0.51)mm,二者之间无显著差异(P>0.05);试验侧下颌第一磨牙的远中牙根根尖外吸收量为(0.85±0.47)mm,对照侧该牙根根尖外吸收量为吸收量(0.84±0.51)mm,二者之间无显著差异(P>0.05)。结论 使用后牙釉质粘结树脂牙合垫不会诱发更多的牙根吸收,正畸过程中可以使用后牙釉质粘结树脂牙合垫解除咬合干扰。
      Objective To analyze the difference of root resorption between orthodontic treatments with or without enamel adhesive resin splint and determine the relationship between enamel adhesive resin splint and root resorption.Methods Twenty-six patients with the mandibular enamel adhesive resin splint were selected.The occlusal surface of the mandibular first molar was adhered with the resin splint as the experimental side,and the other side was not bonded with the resin splint as the control side.Cone-beam CT was taken before and after treatment.The amount of external apical root resorption of mandibular first molars was measured by CBCT images.Student's t test was performed to analyze the difference of root apical resorption between the 2 groups with SPSS17.0 software package.Results The mesial root resorption of mandibular first molar with the resin splint was 0.87±0.62mm,and the mesial root resorption of mandibular first molar without the resin splint was 0.85±0.51 mm.There was no significant difference between experimental side and control side (P>0.05).The distal root resorption of mandibular first molar with the resin splint was 0.85±0.47 mm,and the distal root resorption of mandibular first molar without the resin splint was 0.84±0.51 mm.There is no significant difference between experimental side and control side (P>0.05).Conclusion Use of the enamel adhesive resin splint do not induce more root resorption.
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