Analysis of the matching degree between the service and public needs on the prevention and control of chronic disease in Shanxi and Hebei provinces
中文关键词: 慢性病;防治功能;山西;河北
英文关键词: Chronic diseases;Prevention and treatment function;Shanxi;Hebei
李宁 济宁医学院公共卫生学院, 济宁 272013 
王文军 济宁医学院公共卫生学院, 济宁 272013 
田壮 济宁医学院公共卫生学院, 济宁 272013
健康相关重大社会风险预警协同创新中心, 上海 200032 
刘苗苗 济宁医学院公共卫生学院, 济宁 272013
健康相关重大社会风险预警协同创新中心, 上海 200032 
张春芝 济宁医学院公共卫生学院, 济宁 272013
健康相关重大社会风险预警协同创新中心, 上海 200032 
郝模 健康相关重大社会风险预警协同创新中心, 上海 200032
复旦大学卫生发展战略研究中心, 上海 200032 
摘要点击次数: 2768
全文下载次数: 788
      目的 分析晋冀地区慢性病防治服务与公众需要匹配程度,发现两地在慢性病防治中的薄弱环节,为提高两地慢性病防制效果提供参考。方法 系统收集所有涉及山西、河北两地慢性病防制相关的政策文件,量化计算两地慢性病防制服务与需要的匹配程度。结果 晋冀两省慢性病一级、二级、三级预防功能服务种类及与需要的匹配程度逐年提升,河北省部分慢性病匹配程度>90%。对于世界卫生组织关注的慢性病、其他慢性病中多数病种两省还未开展防治功能服务。结论 河北省在慢性病防治功能服务与公众需要匹配程度高于山西省。两省相关部门应通过关注更多慢性病三级预防工作,增加慢性病防治功能服务与需要的匹配程度。
      Objective By analyzing the matching degree between the service of chronic disease prevention and control for the public needs in Shanxi and Hebei regions,the weak links in the prevention and control of chronic diseases were found,in order to provide reference for improving the control effect of chronic diseases in both regions.Methods All policy documents related to the prevention and control of chronic diseases in Shanxi and Hebei were collected systematically,and the matching degree between the prevention and control services and the needs of the two places was calculated quantitatively.Results The types and matching degree of the primary,secondary and tertiary preventive services for chronic diseases in Shanxi and Hebei provinces increased year by year.The matching degree of some chronic diseases in Hebei Province was more than 90%.For the chronic diseases concerned by the World Health Organization and most of the other chronic diseases,the two provinces have not carried out preventive and therapeutic services.Conclusion The matching degree of the preventive services for chronic diseases in Hebei Province was higher than that in Shanxi Province.The relevant departments should enhance the level of chronic disease prevention and control by strengthening the three-level prevention work in order to increase the matching degree of chronic disease prevention and control function services and needs.
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