The study of tomato SlCDJ2 protein expression in Escherichia coli and yeast
中文关键词: SlCDJ2蛋白;大肠杆菌;酵母;渗透胁迫
英文关键词: SlCDJ2 protein;E.coli;S.cerevisiae;Osmotic stress
刘琪 济宁医学院生物科学学院, 日照 276826  
商鑫涛 济宁医学院生物科学学院, 日照 276826  
陈晨 济宁医学院生物科学学院, 日照 276826  
王国栋 济宁医学院生物科学学院, 日照 276826 gdwang@mail.edu.cll 
摘要点击次数: 2724
全文下载次数: 1126
      目的 DnaJ蛋白作为一种广泛存在于细胞内的分子伴侣,能响应多种胁迫反应。本研究以转基因大肠杆菌和酿酒酵母为材料,研究番茄Solanum lycopersicum Chloroplast DnaJ 2(SlCDJ2)蛋白在渗透胁迫下的表达情况,为进一步在番茄中研究其功能提供初步的理论依据。方法 PCR扩增获得SlCDJ2基因,构建大肠杆菌原核表达重组质粒pET30a-SlCDJ2和酵母真核表达重组质粒pYES2-SlCDJ2,分别通过热激转化法和醋酸锂酵母转化获得转基因大肠杆菌和酵母菌株,SDS-聚丙烯凝胶电泳分析SlCDJ2蛋白大肠杆菌中的诱导表达情况,分光光度法测定转基因大肠杆菌在渗透胁迫下的生长曲线,涂布方法观察转基因酵母菌在渗透胁迫下的生长表型。结果 SlCDJ2蛋白在大肠杆菌中成功诱导表达;转基因大肠杆菌在渗透胁迫下吸光度明显高于野生型大肠杆菌,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。转基因酵母菌在渗透胁迫下的生长菌落明显好于野生型酵母菌。结论 在大肠杆菌和酿酒酵母中过表达SlCDJ2基因,有助于提高大肠杆菌和酿酒酵母对渗透胁迫的抗性。
      Objective DnaJ protein,as a kind of molecular chaperone widely existing in cells,can respond to a variety of stress responses.In this study,transgenic Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae were used as materials to study the expression of tomato SlCDJ2 protein under osmotic stress,providing a preliminary theoretical basis for further studying its function in tomatoes.Methods The SlCDJ2 was obtained by PCR amplification,the recombinant plasmid pET30a-SlCDJ2 and pYES2-SlCDJ2 were constructed and transffered into E.coli and S.cerevisiae by heat shock and lithium acetate yeast transformation methods to abtain the transgenic E.coli and S.cerevisiae.Finally,SDS-polypropylene gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) was used to analyze the expression of SlCDJ2 protein in E.coli,and the growth curve of transgenic E.coli under osmotic stress was measured by spectrophotometry.In addition,the growth phenotype of transgenic yeast under osmotic stress was observed by coating.Results SDS-PAGE results showed that SlCDJ2 protein was successfully induced in E.coli,and the results of spectrophotometric determination showed that the absorbance of transgenic E.coli was significantly higher than that of wild escherichia coli under osmotic stress.The growth phenotype analysis of yeast showed that the growth colony of transgenic yeast was better than that of wild yeast under osmotic stress.Conclusion The study showed that SlCDJ2 overexpression was helpful to improve the osmotic stress resistance of E.coli and S.cerevisiae.
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