The comparison of double 1: 1 matched case-control study on esophageal carcinoma
中文关键词: 食管癌;1:1配对病例对照研究;影响因素;偏倚
英文关键词: Esophageal cancer;1:1 matched case-control study;Risk factors;Bias
李英娥 济宁医学院公共卫生学院, 济宁 272013  
翟敏 济宁医学院公共卫生学院, 济宁 272013  
王猛 济宁医学院公共卫生学院, 济宁 272013  
崔平 济宁医学院公共卫生学院, 济宁 272013  
刘苗苗 济宁医学院公共卫生学院, 济宁 272013  
郭立燕 济宁医学院公共卫生学院, 济宁 272013 yz220@126.com 
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      目的 通过比较济宁地区以医院为基础和以人群为基础的原发性食管癌发病因素病例对照研究结果的差异,以发现和控制病例对照研究中的选择性偏倚,进一步验证相关因素与食管癌的关联性。方法 采用双重1:1配对的病例对照研究,纳入152例病例组、152例医院对照组和152例人群对照组为研究对象,对食品卫生与饮食习惯、饮用水情况、吸烟与饮酒情况、家族与职业史和心理社会应激情况进行问卷调查,将数据用EpiData3.0软件进行录入,运用SPSS18.0统计软件进行条件logistic回归分析。结果 以医院为基础和以人群为基础的病例对照研究中,常吃烫热食品(OR病例vs医院对照=4.335,P=0.000;OR病例vs人群对照=2.722,P=0.000)、食用棉籽油(OR病例vs医院对照=4.200,P=0.000;OR病例vs人群对照=3.700,P=0.000)与食管癌发病有较大的相关性,其次为食用腌制食品、供水方式、水源受到污染、生活事件,而饮用井水、不储水和积极情绪体验对食管癌的发病起保护作用,以上因素在两种对照结果中均具有统计学意义。多因素分析中食用烫热食品、供水方式、水源类型、食用豆油表现出相关的一致性。心理应激评分中发现"生活事件"L因子和"消极应对"NC因子两种对照均具有统计学意义。结论 食管癌以医院和以人群为基础的病例对照研究中,食管癌与常吃烫热食品、食用棉籽油等11个相关影响因素的关联性均同时存在。
      Objective To find and control the selective bias of the case-control study on primary esophageal cancer in Jining region by comparing the differences results on the hospital-based and population-based case-control study,so as to verify the relevance the related factors and esophageal cancer.Methods A double 1:1 matched case-control study was used,including 152 esophageal cancer patients,152 hospital-based controls and 152 population-based controls.Questionnaire survey was conducted to investigate food health and diet,water,smoking,drinking,family history,history of career and psychosocial stress situation.We used EpiData3.0 for data entry and SPSS18.0 for statistical analysis.Results There were significant relationship between frequent eating hot food(ORcase VS hospital control=4.335,P=0.000;ORcase VS people control=2.722,P=0.000),eating cottonseed oil(ORcase VS hospital control=4.200,P=0.000;ORcase VS people control=3.700,P=0.000)and esophageal cancer.Pickled food,water supply way,the pollution water and living incident has the closed correlation with the incidence of esophageal cancer,and well water,no water storage and PE are protective factors.The above factors in the two control ways were statistically significant.Eating hot food,drinking well water and eating soya-bean oil showed the consistency at multiple factors analysis.At psychological stress score,life events L,negative coping NC,both types of contrast were statistically significant.Conclusion Esophageal cancer was a variety of environmental and psychological factors on the individual long-term repeated with different genetic predisposition result,comprehensive prevention and control measures should be adopted.
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