Antenatal depression status and influence factors for elderly pregnant women with the second child
中文关键词: 高龄二胎孕妇;产前抑郁;社会支持;影响因素
英文关键词: Elderly;Second child;Pregnant women;Antenatal depression;Social support;Influence factors
刘冰 济宁医学院护理学院, 济宁 272067 
刘心雨 济宁医学院护理学院, 济宁 272067 
刘晓彤 济宁医学院护理学院, 济宁 272067 
王艳萍 济宁医学院护理学院, 济宁 272067 
商梦晨 济宁医学院护理学院, 济宁 272067 
崔富荣 济宁医学院护理学院, 济宁 272067 
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全文下载次数: 1088
      目的 探讨高龄二胎孕妇产前抑郁及影响因素分析。方法 采用便利抽样法对济宁市3家医院就诊的378例高龄二胎孕妇进行分析,采用抑郁自评量表(SDS)测量抑郁情况,采用社会支持量表(SSRS)和自编一般资料问卷测量其相关因素。结果 高龄二胎孕妇产前抑郁的发生率为56.9%;文化程度(χ2=10.818,P=0.029)、职业(χ2=12.474,P=0.029)、家庭人均月收入(χ2=14.007,P=0.003)、长子/女年龄(χ2=10.487,P=0.005)、目前经济状况(χ2=16.155,P=0.000)、担心胎儿健康(χ2=4.740,P=0.029)是高龄二胎孕妇产前抑郁的影响因素;378例孕妇产前抑郁得分与社会支持总分及各维度得分均呈负相关(均P<0.05);logistic回归分析显示,文化程度高(OR:1.302,95% CI:1.071~1.583)、长子/女年龄大(OR:1.330,95% CI:1.008~1.754)及目前有经济负担(OR:2.461,95% CI:1.607~3.768)是高龄二胎孕妇产前抑郁的危险因素,而良好的主观支持(OR:0.472,95% CI:0.229~0.973)是高龄二胎孕妇产前抑郁的保护因素。结论 高龄二胎孕妇产前抑郁发病率较高,尤其文化程度高、主观支持差的高龄二胎孕妇更容易发生产前抑郁,医护人员应加强关注孕妇的心理变化并采取有效措施,鼓励家庭和社会应给予更多支持来改善孕妇的心理状态,以保证母婴安全。
      Objective To investigate the incidence of antenatal depression in elderly pregnant women with the second child and analyze its influence factors.Methods To analyze 378 cases of elderly pregnant women with the second child who were convenience sampling from 3 hospitals in Jining,Self-Rating Depression Scale(SDS) was used to assess their antenatal depression,Social Support Rating Scale(SSRS) and self-designed general information questionnaire were used to assess its influence factors.Results Among the 378 elderly second-child pregnant women recruited,the incidence of antenatal depression in them was 56.9%.Single factor analysis showed that education levels(χ2=10.818,P=0.029),career(χ2=12.474,P=0.029),percapitafamily income monthly(χ2=14.007,P=0.003),age of the first child(χ2=10.487,P=0.005),current economic situation(χ2=16.155,P=0.000),concern about health of fetus(χ2=4.740,P=0.029) were influence factors for antenatal depression in elderly pregnant women with the second child.The score of subjective support,objective support,support utilization and total score of SSRS were negatively correlated with antenatal depression (P<0.05 for all).Logistic regression analysis showed that higher education levels(OR:1.302,95% CI:1.071~1.583),older age of the first child(OR:1.330,95% CI:1.008~1.754),poor economic situation(OR:2.461,95% CI:1.607~3.768) were risk factors,while good subjective support (OR:0.472, 95% CI: 0.229~0.973)were the protective factor of antenatal depression in elderly pregnant women with the second child.Conclusion The incidence of antenatal depression in elderly pregnant women with the second child is high,especially the women with higher education level,older age of the first child,poor economic situation,poor subjective support are more likely to happen.Medical staff should pay more attention to the psychological changes of pregnant women and take effective measures,family and society should be encouraged to give more support to improve psychological conditions to assure maternal and neonatal safety.
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