The effect of orexin A on the pain threshold in chronic unpredictable mild stress depression model of rats
中文关键词: 食欲素A;CUMS抑郁症模型;痛阈
英文关键词: Orexins A;CUMS depression model;Pain threshold
张如敏 济宁医学院神经生物学研究所, 济宁 272067  
李丹丹 济宁医学院神经生物学研究所, 济宁 272067  
王培香 济宁医学院神经生物学研究所, 济宁 272067  
杨春青 济宁医学院神经生物学研究所, 济宁 272067  
陈京 济宁医学院神经生物学研究所, 济宁 272067 chenjnmc@163.com 
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      目的 探讨食欲素A(OrexinA,OA)对慢性不可预见轻度应激(chronic unpredictable mild stress,CUMS)抑郁症大鼠模型痛阈的影响。方法 按照Katz方法建立CUMS抑郁症大鼠模型。将SD大鼠随机分为空白对照组(NC)和实验组(CUMS),通过体质量、食物和纯水的消耗量、自主运动以及糖水消耗百分比的变化鉴定CUMS SD大鼠抑郁症模型的建立。将CUMS模型大鼠随机分为OA干预组(CUMS+OA)和生理盐水对照组(CUMS+NS)。光热测痛仪和智能热板仪检测OA或生理盐水注射后15、30、45、60min时两组大鼠痛阈的变化。结果 与NC组相比,CUMS模型组大鼠的体质增长量、饲料和纯水的消耗量均显著降低,随着造模时间的不断延长,降低越明显,并且对糖水的偏好程度以及自主运动水平(水平运动和垂直运动)也显著降低,差别具有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。与CUMS+NS组相比,OA+CUMS组大鼠甩尾和舔足潜伏期均显著增加,在30min时OA对抑郁症大鼠痛觉的抑制作用最显著,差别均具有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。结论 OA能够显著提升CUMS抑郁症模型的痛阈,降低抑郁症大鼠对痛觉的感知能力。
      Objective To investigate the effects of orexin A (OA) on the pain threshold in chronic unpredictable mild stress depression model of rats (CUMS).Methods The CUMS depression rat model was established according to Katz method.SD rats were randomly divided into blank control group (NC) and experimental group (CUMS).The depression model rats were identified by detecting body mass,food and water consumption,voluntary movement and percentage of consumption of sugar.CUMS models were randomly divided into intervention group of OA (CUMS+OA) and control group with saline (CUMS+NS).The pain threshold of CUMS rats were measured by using photothermal pain detector and intelligent hot plate followed the injection of OA and saline at 15min,30min,45min and 60min.Results Compared with the NC group,the body mass,consumption of feed and pure water of the CUMS model rats were significantly decreased.With the modeling time increasing,the more obvious the decrease,and the preference for sugar water and the level of voluntary exercise (horizontal exercise and vertical exercise) also decreased significantly.Compared with CUMS+NS group,OA significantly increased tail flick and lameness latency of CUMS rats,and OA had the most significant inhibitory effect on CUMS rats at 30 min.Conclusion OA can significantly improve the pain threshold of CUMS depression model,and reduce the pain perception ability of depression rats.
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