The investigate and research about the work stress and mental health of young teachers in a medical college
中文关键词: 医学院校;青年教师;工作压力;心理健康
英文关键词: Medical college;Young teachers;Work stress;Mental health
杨晨 济宁医学院高等教育研究中心, 济宁 272067  
路海 济宁医学院高等教育研究中心, 济宁 272067  
高立 济宁医学院高等教育研究中心, 济宁 272067  
李淑玲 济宁医学院高等教育研究中心, 济宁 272067 lishuling3092@163.com 
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全文下载次数: 1296
      目的 调查某省属医学院校青年教师工作压力及心理健康状况,为开展相关心理健康工作提供一定依据。方法 采用大学教师工作压力量表(College Working Stress Scale,CWSS)对某医学院校227名青年教师的工作压力状况进行测定,结合症状自评量表(Symptom Checklist 90,SCL-90)综合探讨其工作压力及心理健康状况。结果 参与调查的医学院校青年教师在工作保障、教学保障、工作乐趣3个因子及CWSS的总分得分均高于国内相关报道,但仅在工作保障、教学保障2个因子得分差异有统计学意义(P< 0.05);青年教师在人际关系及工作负荷2个因子得分均低于国内相关报道,但仅在人际关系1个因子得分差异有统计学意义(P< 0.05);女性青年教师在工作保障、教学保障、工作负荷3个因子及CWSS的总分得分均高于男性青年教师,但仅在工作保障1个因子得分差异有统计学意义(P< 0.05);男性青年教师在人际关系及工作乐趣2个因子高于女性青年教师,但仅在工作乐趣1个因子得分差异有统计学意义(P< 0.05)。参与调查的医学院校青年教师在SCL-90的躯体化、强迫、人际关系、抑郁、焦虑、敌对性、恐怖及偏执8个因子得分均高于国内常模,且在强迫、焦虑及恐怖3个因子得分差异有统计学意义(P< 0.05),在SCL-90的精神病性因子得分低于国内常模,且差异有统计学意义(P< 0.05)。男性青年教师在SCL-90的躯体化、强迫、人际关系、抑郁、焦虑、敌对性、恐怖及精神病性8个因子得分均低于女性青年教师,在偏执因子得分高于女性青年教师,但差异均无统计学意义(P> 0.05)。结论 医学院校青年教师总体面临较大的工作压力,且会对心理健康造成一定的影响。
      Objective To investigate the work stress and mental health status of young teachers in a medical college,to provide some evidence for mental health.Methods Using CWSS the working pressure of 227 young teachers in the provincial medical college was measured combined with SCL-90 to take a comprehensive discussion about the working pressure and mental health of young teachers in medical college.Results The 3 factors in job security,including teaching support,work fun and total scores of CWSS in young teachers of medical college were higher than those of the domestic classic,but only the differences in job security and teaching support had significant difference(P< 0.05).The 2 factors in interpersonal relationship and the working load were lower than those of the domestic classic,but only the differences in interpersonal relationship had significant difference(P< 0.05).The 3 factors in job security,teaching support,working load and total scores of CWSS of young female teachers were higher than the young male teachers,but only the differences in job security had significant difference(P< 0.05).The 2 factors in interpersonal relationship and work fun of young male teachers were higher than the young female teachers,but only the differences in job security work fun had significant difference (P< 0.05).The 8 factors in somatization,compulsion,interpersonal relationship,depression,anxiety hostility,fear and paranoid of SCL-90 of young teachers in medical college were higher than the national norm,and the the differences in compulsion,anxiety and fear had significant difference(P< 0.05).The factors in psychosis-like symptoms of young teachers in medical college were lower than the national norm,but the differences had no significant difference(P> 0.05).The 8 factors in somatization,compulsion,interpersonal relationship,depression,anxiety hostility,fear and psychosis-like symptoms of young male teachers were all lower than the young female teachers,and the factoring paranoid were higher than the young female teachers.But all differences had no significant difference(P> 0.05).Conclusion The young teachers in medical colleges are facing great pressure of work,which will have a certain impact on mental health.
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