The investigation on the postgraduate exam pressure to medical students' sleep and cognitive function
中文关键词: 考研压力;医学生;睡眠;认知
英文关键词: Postgraduate entrance examination pressure;Medical students;Sleep;Cognition
张秋梅 济宁医学院公共卫生学院, 济宁 272067  
梅瑞华 济宁医学院护理学院, 济宁 272067  
吉峰 济宁医学院精神卫生学院, 济宁 272067 jy6060@163.com 
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      目的 探讨考研压力对医学生睡眠及认知功能的影响。方法 采用Beck-Srivastava压力量表(Beck-Srivastava Stress Inventory,BSSI)对236名考研复习期间医学生的压力状况进行调查,结合匹兹堡睡眠质量指数(Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index,PSQI)及认知能力筛查量表(Cognitive Abilities Screening Instrument,CASI)综合探讨考研压力对医学生睡眠及认知功能的影响。结果 以Beck设置的72分作为分界点,将所有参与调查的医学生分为高、低压力2个组别,高、低压力2个组别医学生PSQI的总分均在8分以上,均达到了存在睡眠问题的诊断标准。高压力组医学生在PSQI的睡眠质量、睡眠时间、睡眠效率、睡眠障碍、日间障碍5个成分得分及PSQI总分均高于低压力组医学生,且在睡眠时间、日间障碍2个成分得分及PSQI总分差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);高压力组医学生在PSQI的入睡时间成分得分低于低压力组医学生,但差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。高压力组医学生在CASI的注意力、心算、远时记忆、新近记忆、语言、结构模仿、类聚流畅性、概念判断8个因子及总分得分均低于低压力组医学生,在定向力因子得分高于低压力组医学生,但差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。高、低压力2个组医学生CASI得分均明显低于大学生经典研究结论,且与大学生经典研究结论差异也有均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 考研复习期间医学生总体面临较大的压力,且会对睡眠及认知功能造成一定影响。
      Objective To investigate the effect of postgraduate exam pressure on medical students' sleep and cognitive function.Methods Using BSSI to investigate the stress status during the period of preparing postgraduate exam on 236 medical students,combined with the PSQI and CASI to investigate the effect of comprehensive postgraduate examination pressure on medical students' sleep and cognitive function.Results Using the Beck set 72 as a cut-off point,all medical students who participate in the investigation were divided into high and low 2 groups of high pressure.The 2 groups of medical students PSQI scores were more than 8 points,which reached the sleep problems Diagnosis standard.The high pressure group of medical students in PSQI sleep quality,sleep time,sleep efficiency,sleep disorders,daytime dysfunction 5 component scores and PSQI scores were higher than the low pressure group of medical students.And in the sleep time,daytime dysfunction 2 component scores and PSQI scores were statistically significant (P<0.05).The high pressure group was lower than the low pressure group of medical students in the scores of sleep time component of PSQI,but the difference was not statistically significant (P>0.05).The mental arithmetic in CASI attention,memory,new memory,language the structure,type of imitation,fluency,conceptual judgment of 8 factors and total scores of high pressure group on medical students were lower than the low pressure group,but higher than the low pressure group of medical students on the orientation factor scores.There were no statistically significant differences (P>0.05).The CASI scores of two groups of medical students in high and low pressure were significantly lower than the college students,and there were statistically significant differences between the two groups (P<0.05).Conclusion Most medical students faced greater pressure during the period of preparing postgraduate exam,which will have certain impact to sleep and cognitive function.
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