Investigation on mental health status of spring and summer college entrance examination students in a medical college
中文关键词: 压力;医学院校;春季高考;夏季高考;心理健康
英文关键词: Stress;Medical College;spring college entrance examination;summer college entrance examination;mental health
周艳芳 济宁医学院法医学与医学检验学院, 济宁 272067 
梅瑞华 济宁医学院护理学院, 济宁 272067 
陈方舟 济宁医学院法医学与医学检验学院, 济宁 272067 
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      目的 调查某医学院校春季和夏季高考生心理健康状况,为开展更加合理有效的医学生日常管理及心理健康教育提供一定的依据。方法 采用Beck-Srivastava压力量表(Beck-Srivastava stress inventory,BSSI)及90项症状清单(symptom checklist 90,SCL-90)分别对某医学院校春季及夏季高考生所面临的压力及心理健康状况进行调查,进而探讨压力对医学院校春季高考生心理健康的影响。 结果 春季高考生在BSSI的学习习惯、考试压力、生活习惯及专业选择4个单因子得分均高于夏季高考生,且在学习习惯、考试压力及专业选择3个方面差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);在人际关系的BSSI单因子得分略低于夏季高考生,但差异无统计学意义(P >0.05)。春季高考生在SCL-90的躯体化、强迫、抑郁、焦虑、恐怖及精神病性6个因子得分均高于春季高考生,且在抑郁、焦虑及恐怖3个因子差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);夏季高考生在人际关系、敌对性及偏执3个因子得分略高于春季高考生,但差异均无统计学意义(P >0.05)。结论 春季高考生不仅面临的压力源多,且压力强度大,心理健康问题表现要比夏季高考生更为严重。亟需进行针对性的相关教育管理工作来缓解春季高考生压力、改善精神状况。
      Objective The investigation on the mental health status of spring and summer entrance examination students in medical colleges provides a basis for the development of the medical students' daily management and mental health education effectively.Methods The spring and summer college entrance examination students in medical colleges facing the stress and mental health status were surveyed by using the Beck-Srivastava Stress Inventory beck-srivastava Stress Inventory (BSSI) and 90 symptom checklist (symptom checklist 90 SCL-90),and then we discussed the pressure on medical college students' mental health effects of the spring college entrance examination.Results The spring college entrance examination for medical students in BSSI study habits,examination pressure,living habits and professional choice four single factor scores were higher than those in summer.The medical students,the college entrance examination and in learning habits,the pressure of examinations and professional choice three aspects of the difference were statistically significant (P<0.05).The spring college entrance examination for medical students in interpersonal relationship BSSI single factor score was slightly lower than the summer college entrance examination for medical students,but the difference was not statistically significant (P >0.05).Spring college entrance examination of medical students in SCL-90,somatization,compulsion,depression,anxiety,terror and mental illness of six factor scores were higher than spring college entrance examination for medical students and in depression,anxiety and terror three factor difference was statistically significant (P<0.05).The summer college entrance examination of medical students in the interpersonal relationship,hostility and paranoid three factor scores were slightly higher than spring college entrance examination for medical students,but the difference was not statistically significant (P >0.05).Conclusion The spring college entrance examination for medical students not only faces the more pressure source,and the pressure strength,performance of mental health problems is more serious than that of the summer college entrance examination for medical students.It is necessary to carry out pertinent education management to ease the pressure of the spring college entrance examination medical students and improve the mental status of medical students.
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