The value of MRI in the diagnosis of benign cystic lesions in the floor of the mouth
中文关键词: 囊性病变;口底;磁共振成像
英文关键词: Cystic lesion;The floor of the mouth;Megnatic resonance imaging
赵航 青岛大学附属医院, 青岛 266003
济宁医学院附属济宁市第一人民医院, 济宁 272011 
齐先龙 济宁医学院附属济宁市第一人民医院, 济宁 272011  
郑宁 济宁医学院附属济宁市第一人民医院, 济宁 272011  
李蕊 济宁医学院附属济宁市第一人民医院, 济宁 272011  
隋庆兰 青岛大学附属医院, 青岛 266003 suiql@163.com 
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全文下载次数: 1450
      目的 探讨口底区良性囊性病变的MRI影像学特征。 方法 回顾性分析经穿刺或手术病理证实的口底区良性囊性病变43例44个病灶的解剖部位及MRI表现。结果 口底区良性囊性病变共43例患者44个病灶,中线区15个,偏侧29个。其中,舌下囊肿19例20个病灶(1例为双侧),表现为舌下间隙或颌下间隙的类圆形或不规则形等或长T1、长T2信号肿物,潜突型舌下囊肿可见“尾征”;甲状舌管囊肿10例,表现为颈前中线舌骨水平或偏中线带状肌内的圆形或囊袋状短或等T1、长T2信号肿物;表皮样囊肿9例,发病部位较分散,表现为类圆形或不规则形肿物,DWI呈高信号;皮样囊肿3例,位于舌下间隙,T1WI及T2WI信号混杂,1例具有典型“球袋征”,脂肪抑制序列信号可减低;淋巴管瘤2例,位于颌下间隙,呈稍短T1、长T2信号多房囊状肿物。结论 口底区囊性病变的MRI表现有一定特征性,对于诊断、鉴别诊断和术前精确定位具有重要价值。
      Objective To investigate the value of MRI in the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of benign cystic lesions in the floor of the mouth.Methods The location and MR imaging features of 43 patients with 44 benign cystic lesions in the floor of the mouth were analyzed,all of which were confirmed by surgical pathology.Results Of 44 benign lesions in the floor of the mouth,15 cases were located in the midline and 29 cases in the off-midline.20 cases of ranula (1 case of bilateral) were oval or irregular masses at sublingual space or submandibular space,which showed hypointensity or isointensity on T1WI and hyperintensity on T2WI and narrower tail sigh in plunging ranulas.10 cases of thyroglossal duct cyst were manifested as oval cystlike mass either in the midline of the anterior neck at the level of the hyoid bone or within the strap muscles,which showed hyperintensity or isointensity on T1WI and hyperintensity on T2WI.Of 9 cases of epidermoid cyst,which the anatomical sites were scattered,showed and they were round or irregular shape cystlike masses and hyperintensity on DWI.3 cases of dermoid cyst at sublingual space displayed inhomogeneous signal on T1WI and T2WI.1 of them showed characteristic “a sack of marbles”sigh and signal loss on fat-saturated images.2 cases of lymphangioma in the submandibular space showed multilocular mass with slightly hyperintensity on T1WI and more hyperintensity on T2WI.Conclusion The manifestation of MRI of the benign cystic lesions in the floor of the mouth is characteristic,and it is of high value in the differentiation and preoperative localization in oral and maxillofacial surgery.
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