The research on characteristics of parenting style and adolescent life events with bipolar disorder
中文关键词: 双相障碍;父母教养方式;青少年生活事件
英文关键词: Bipolar Disorder;Parenting Style;Adolescent Life Events
相燕静 济宁医学院, 济宁 272067 
王中刚 济宁医学院附属第二医院, 济宁 272051 
朱亚亚 济宁医学院, 济宁 272067 
陈景清 济宁医学院附属第二医院, 济宁 272051 
摘要点击次数: 6317
全文下载次数: 1814
      目的 分析双相障碍Ⅰ型(BD-I组)与Ⅱ型(BD-II组)患者父母教养方式和青少年生活事件的特点, 探讨BD发病的风险因素。方法 选取2015年1月至6月间济宁医学院第二附属医院住院治疗的BD患者 58 例为观察对象(BD-I组, 31例;BD-II组, 27例), 健康对照组共61例。调查3组入组者的人口学信息, 采用父母教养方式评价量表和青少年生活事件量表调查BD患者的父母教养方式及青少年生活事件方面的相关情况。 结果 在父母教养方式评价量表中, BD-I组、BD-II组情感温暖因子得分低于健康对照组, 在过度保护、拒绝否认因子得分方面高于健康对照组, 差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);BD-I组的过分干涉保护因子得分显著低于BD-II组, 差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。在青少年生活事件量表中, BD-I组与BD-II组受试者在受惩罚因子得分、健康适应因子得分方面均高于健康对照组, 差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);BD-I组受试者在受惩罚因子得分、健康适应因子得分高于BD-II组, 差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 “过分严厉”、“过分溺爱”的教养方式和惩罚等负性生活事件对BD的发生发展起着重要作用, 是BD的危险因素之一, 对于BD的高危群体, 调整父母教养方式、避免不利的应激性事件, 有利于避免疾病发作, 对于稳定期BD患者, 采取上述措施, 有利于避免病情复发。
      Objective To analyze the characteristics of parenting style and adolescent life events with bipolar disorder Ⅰ patients and Ⅱ patients and explore the risk factors of the onset of bipolar disorder.Methods 58 parents with bipolar disorder in Jining Mental Health Hospital were selected randomly as study group, (the bipolarⅠtype group have 31 patients;the bipolar Ⅱ type group have 27 patients), and 61 people were selected as control group.The demographic information, maternal parenting styles and adolescent life events in two groups were collected.Results In the ways of parents teaching evaluation questionnaire, the score of emotional warmth of the BD-I group and BD-II group was significantly lower than that of the control group.Meanwhile the scores of excessive interference protection and refusing to deny was lower(P<0.05), and the score of excessive interference protection of the BD-I group was lower than that of the BD-II group(P<0.05).In the adolescent life events scale, the scores of severe punishment of the BD-I group and BD-II group were significantly higher than those of the control group(P<0.05).The scores of severe punishment and health adaptation of the BD-I group were significantly higher than those of BD-II group (P<0.05).Conclusion The ways of maternal parenting style such as pampering and overly harsh and the negative life events such as severe punishment play an important role in the development of bipolar disorder, which are both the risk factors with bipolar disorder.For high-risk bipolar disorder groups, adjusting parenting style and avoiding some adverse event will be beneficial to avoid disorder attack.Taking the above measures will avoid the relapse in the remission patients with bipolar disorder.
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