The clinical value of multimode dynamic imaging in diagnosing vertebral artery dissection
中文关键词: 椎动脉夹层|多模式|动态|影像诊断
英文关键词: Vertebral artery dissection|Multimode|Dynamic|Imaging diagnosis
基金项目:2013年济宁医学院重点项目(编号:JY2013KJ 050)
徐锐 济宁医学院附属日照市人民医院, 山东日照 276800 
王荣华 日照职业技术学院, 日照 276800 
刘鑫 济宁医学院附属日照市人民医院, 山东日照 276800 
朱甲峰 济宁医学院附属日照市人民医院, 山东日照 276800 
赵兴康 济宁医学院附属日照市人民医院, 山东日照 276800 
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全文下载次数: 961
      目的 探讨多模式动态影像学诊断椎动脉夹层的临床价值及对治疗的指导意义。方法 经多模式动态影像学检查确诊的25例椎动脉夹层患者,其中8例经动态影像学检查观察夹层演变情况。结果 颅外段椎动脉夹层MR表现为"新月形"壁内血肿,颅内段MR表现为瘤样扩张伴血栓形成。颅外段椎动脉夹层CT血管造影(CTA)表现为内膜瓣和动脉双腔,颅内段CTA表现为瘤样扩张伴腔内血栓及钙化。颅外段椎动脉夹层数字减影血管造影(DSA)表现为动脉狭窄、双腔、内膜瓣,颅内段DSA表现为"珠线征"。3例蛛网膜下腔出血(SAH)患者经动态DSA检查确诊颅内段椎动脉夹层。5例颅外段椎动脉夹层患者行动态DSA观察夹层演变,4例自愈,1例因病变进展行介入治疗。结论 多模动态影像学检查可提高椎动脉夹层的早期确诊率,并能动态观察椎动脉夹层演变过程,对临床治疗具有重要的指导意义。
      Objective To explore the clinical value of multimode dynamic imaging in diagnosing and treating vertebral artery dissection.Methods A total of 25 patients were diagnosed vertebral artery dissections by multimode dynamic imaging,8 patients of all were diagnosed by dynamic imaging to observe the evolution of dissections.Results The MR feature of extracranial dissection was crescentic shape intramural hematoma,while the intracranial dissection was aneurysmal dilatation.The CTA feature of extracranial dissection was intimal flap or a double lumen,while the intracranial dissection was aneurysmal dilatation with thrombus and calcification.The DSA feature of extracranial dissection was artery stenosis,intimal flap or a double lumen,while the intracranial dissection was "pearl and string sign".3 cases of SAH patients were diagnosed as vertebral artery dissections by the dynamic imaging.5 patients with extracranial dissections were given dynamic imaging to observe the evolution.4 of them were healed spontaneously,the other one was performed stent placement because of the dissection progressed.Conclusion Multimode dynamic imaging can improve the diagnosis rate of vertebral artery dissection,and can help to obtain more detailed diagnostic information and observe the evolution of vertebral artery dissections.It has an important guiding significance in making clinical treatment strategies.
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