Effect of ASICs on the respiratory responses induced by hypoxia and inhalation of high concentrated CO2 in rats
中文关键词: ASICs|阿米洛利|呼吸调节|低O2|高CO2
英文关键词: ASICs|Amiloride|Respirarory regulation|Hypoxia|High concentrated CO2
李丽 济宁医学院药学院, 山东日照 276826 
刘文彦 济宁医学院基础学院, 山东济宁 272067 
苗文静 日照市妇幼保健院, 日照 276826 
摘要点击次数: 5167
全文下载次数: 984
      目的 观察大鼠吸入低O2和高CO2气体产生的呼吸效应,探讨酸敏感离子通道(acid sensing ion channel,ASICs)在此过程中的作用。方法 将健康成年SD大鼠40只随机分为生理盐水+空气对照组(n=8)、生理盐水+低O2组(n=8)、生理盐水+高CO2 组(n=8)、ASICs阻断剂阿米洛利+低O2组(n=8)、阿米洛利+高CO2 组(n=8)。通过气管插管侧管吸入低O2和高CO2气体,以膈肌肌电为指标,记录低O2和高CO2引起的呼吸效应;通过脑室内预先注射阿米洛利,然后再吸入低O2和高CO2气体,观察脑室内微注射阿米洛利对低O2和高CO2气体所致呼吸反应的影响。结果 对生理盐水+空气对照组大鼠,气管插管侧管吸入空气后呼吸较吸入空气前无明显变化(P>0.05),脑室内预微注射生理盐水对呼吸没有产生明显影响(P>0.05)。生理盐水+低O2组大鼠,缺氧30min后,呼吸较缺氧前表现为明显的抑制(P<0.01);阿米洛利+低O2组大鼠,脑室内预微注射阿米洛利后,缺氧后30min较缺氧前尚未表现为呼吸抑制(P>0.05)。生理盐水+高CO2 组大鼠,吸入高CO2气体1min,呼吸表现为明显的兴奋(P<0.01);脑室内预微注射阿米洛利后,呼吸兴奋的程度明显减弱(P<0.01)。结论 ASICs参与了缺氧所致的呼吸抑制和高CO2所致的呼吸兴奋过程的产生。
      Objective To study the respiratory responses induced by hypoxia and inhalation of high concentrated CO2,and to discuss the function of acid sensing ion channels(ASICs)in this process.Methods 40 healthy SD rats were divided into normal saline plus air control group(n=8),normal saline plus hypoxia group(n=8),normal saline plus high CO2 group(n=8),amiloride plus hypoxia group(n=8)and amiloride plus high CO2 group(n=8).Hypoxic gas and high concentrated CO2 were inhaled by one side tube of tracheal intubation.The electromyogram (EMG)of diaphragm was monitored to observe the respiratory responses induced by hypoxia and high concentated CO2.ASICs blockers amiloride was injected into the ventricle firstly and hypoxic and high concectrated CO2 gas was inhaled followed by observing the effect of ASICs on the respiratory regulation in this process.Results Respiration didn't change obviously after inhalation of air in the ras of normal saline plus air control group(P>0.05)and intra-ventricle normal saline firstly could not affect the respiratory responses(P>0.05).Respiration were inhibited after 30 minutes of inhalation of hypoxic gas in the rats of normal saline plus hypoxia group(P<0.01),but in the rats of amiloride plus hypoxia group,respiration didn't obviously show inhibition after 30 minutes of inhalation of hypoxic gas (P>0.05).Respiration appeared excitation apparently after 1 minute of inhalation of high concentrated CO2 in the rats of normal saline plus high CO2 group(P<0.01),but in the rats of amiloride plus high CO2 group,the degree of respiratory excitation was decreased prominently(P<0.01).Conclusion ASICs participated in the process of respiratory inhibition induced by hypoxia and respiratory excitation induced by inhalation of high concentrated CO2.
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