An investigation about the quality of life and social support status of empty nester in Jining city
中文关键词: 生活质量;社会支持;空巢老人
英文关键词: Quality of life;Social support;Empty nester
张妍 济宁医学院公共卫生学院, 山东济宁 272067 
谢瑞宁 济宁医学院公共卫生学院, 山东济宁 272067 
程福源 济宁医学院2008级预防医学系学生, 山东济宁 272067 
刘菲 济宁医学院2008级预防医学系学生, 山东济宁 272067 
吕晓峰 济宁医学院2008级预防医学系学生, 山东济宁 272067 
徐果果 济宁医学院2008级预防医学系学生, 山东济宁 272067 
摘要点击次数: 5161
全文下载次数: 1079
      目的 分析济宁市空巢老人生活质量及社会支持状况,探讨影响本市老年人生活质量的危险因素,为有效提高其生活质量提供科学依据。方法 采用偶遇调查法,以健康测量量表(SF-36)和社会支持评定量表(SRSS)对济宁市60岁以上老年人进行生活质量和社会支持状况调查,共发放问卷500份,收回有效问卷459份(有效率91.8%),其中空巢老人260人,非空巢老人199人。结果 1)平均年龄空巢老人为(70.43±7.53)岁,非空巢老人为(72.20±8.36)岁;2)空巢老人的生理机能(PF)评分明显低于非空巢老人,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),而社会支持评分中两组对社会支持的利用度存在统计学差异(P<0.05);3)影响老年人生活质量的主要因素包括年龄、婚姻状况、家庭月收入、锻炼身体情况、子女看望周期、所患慢性病种类等(P<0.05)。结论 空巢老人的生活质量和社会支持一定程度上低于非空巢老人,需关注空巢老人的生存质量,提高空巢老人整体的生活水平和社会支持状况。
      Objective To investigate quality and social support condition of life of the empty nest elderly in Jining city and its influencing factors which provides the references for improve the quality of life.Methods By encountering ascertainment methods,a questionnaire survey was conducted by using The Medical Outcomes Study 36-Items Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36) and Social Support Rating Scale (SSRS) in 500 the elderly over the age of 60.459 effective questionnaires were taken back (260 from empty nest older adults and 199 from non-empty nest in Jining city).Results 1) Empty nester average age was 70.43±7.53 years old,and the non-empty nest was 72.20±8.36 years old;2) In empty-nesters life score,physiological function (PF) score were lower than non-empty-nesters and it was different significantly (P<0.05).The two groups of social support using significant differences(P<0.05);3) The main factors influencing the elderly quality of life including age,marital status,family income,physical exercise,cycle of children visiting their parents,suffering from chronic disease by category,etc.Conclusion In empty-nesters quality of life and social support were lower than non-empty-nesters.The quality of life and social support should be care about the quality of life of the empty nest elderly in order to improve on the living standard and social support condition on empty nest elderly.
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