External fixator combined with vacuum sealing drainage(VSD) traumatic ankle pyogenic infection treatment
中文关键词: 踝关节感染;化脓性感染;外固定架;封闭负压引流技术
英文关键词: Ankle infection;Pyogenic infection;External fixator;Vacuum sealing drainage
荣存敏 青岛大学医学院附属医院, 山东青岛 266003
济宁医学院附属医院, 山东济宁 272011 
韩清銮 济宁医学院附属医院, 山东济宁 272011  
李印龙 济宁医学院公共卫生院, 济宁 272067  
栗威 济宁医学院附属医院, 山东济宁 272011  
范洪进 济宁医学院附属医院, 山东济宁 272011  
李书忠 青岛大学医学院附属医院, 山东青岛 266003 qylsz@163.com 
摘要点击次数: 5436
全文下载次数: 1181
      目的 探讨外固定架联合生物敷料封闭负压引流(vacuum sealing drainage,VSD)治疗创伤性踝关节感染的临床效果。方法 2010年6月-2012年6月创伤性踝关节感染患者24例,均给予彻底清创。采用外固定架撑开踝关节,联合生物敷料VSD吸引及单独使用生物敷料VSD吸引治疗各12例,分别记录使用VSD后冲洗液颜色变清的次数;局部红肿热痛等症状及体征消失;细菌培养转阴等指标。结果 24例均获得4~28个月随访,外固定架+VSD组及单独VSD组分别随访14.3个月和15.1个月。外固定架联合VSD组较单纯使用VSD组在平均细菌转阴时间及平均使用VSD次数差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 外固定架联合生物敷料VSD吸引与单独使用生物敷料VSD吸引治疗创伤性化脓性踝关节感染在治愈率上无明显差异,但平均治疗时间,平均细菌转阴时间缩短,平均使用VSD次数明显减少。
      Objective To explore clinical results of using external fixation combined with vacuum sealing drainage(VSD) to treatment traumatic ankle pyogenic infection.Methods Review 24 traumatic ankle infection patients since June 2010-June 2012.12 cases were cured by external fixator open ankle joint combined with VSD.12 cases were separate used of VSD in the treatment of traumatic ankle infection.The traumatic ankle infection patients were given radical debridement.How many times were observed after VSD flushing fluid color becomes clear.Local swelling and heat pain and other symptoms and signs disappeared,Bacterial culture negative index was also investigated.Results Two groups with 12 patients in each group were obtained for 4-28 months.The external fixation combined with VSD group and VSD alone group were average followed up for 14.3 months and 15.1 months.External fixation combined with VSD group was better than the simple use of VSD group in the average bacterial clearance time and average VSD usage frequency.The differences were statistically significant(P<0.05).Conclusion External fixation combined with VSD and separate use of VSD biological dressing vacuum sealing drainage had no significant difference in cure rates to treatment traumatic ankle infection,but the average treatment time and the average bacterial clearance time were shortened.VSD usage frequency was decreased obviously.
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