The investigation and analysis of status quo of medical students' intercultural communication competence at college level
中文关键词: 医学院校学生;跨文化交际能力;大学英语教学
英文关键词: Medical students at college level;Intercultural communication competence;College English teaching
褚宏蕊 济宁医学院外语系, 山东济宁 272067 
摘要点击次数: 5150
全文下载次数: 1079
      目的 了解当前医学院校学生的跨文化交际能力水平,为大学英语教学提供一定的依据和指导。方法 采用跨文化交际敏感度量表(Intercultural Sensitivity Scale,ISS),对589名医学院校大学生的跨文化交际敏感度得分进行分数等级划分,并对其交际敏感度的5个因素进行分析。结果 医学院校大学生的跨文化交际敏感度按极高、高、一般、低、极低等级的检出率依次为2.04%、4.24%、30.56%、53.65%、9.51%。不同医学院校大学生在交际敏感方面存在着较大差异,且在差异认同感、交际参与度、交际专注度、交际信心4个方面差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 基于调查,医学院校学生的跨文化交际能力水平较低与当前师生的认识和态度、所使用教学模式、习得的文化内容以及所追寻的教学目标有很大关系,师生在大学英语教与学过程中要树立正确认识并端正态度、选择合理教学模式、习得全面的知识并且追寻正确的教学目标。
      Objective To learn the status quo of intercultural communication competence of medical students at college level and then to provide the basic information and direction for college English teaching.Methods The intercultural sensitivity scale(ISS) is adopted to divide the final scores of intercultural sensitivity(ICS) of 589 participants and analyze the five factors of intercultural sensitivity.Results According to the order of great high, high, ordinary, low and great low the detection rate of the ICS of medical students at college level in turn is 2.04%, 4.24%, 30.56%, 53.65%, 9.51%.Medical students in different universities are greatly different in the aspect of intercultural sensitivity, and have systematic significance in the four factors of interaction engagement, respect for cultural differences, interaction confidence, and interaction attentiveness(P<0.05).Conclusion On the basis of the investigation, the ICC level of medical students is low and it has some relations with the following points:Medical majors' recognition and attitudes toward ICC, cultural knowledge being grasped and current teaching model and purposes.And it is suggested that all the teachers and students should have the correct recognition and show the proper attitudes toward ICC, learn systematic knowledge and follow the appropriate teaching model and purposes.
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